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[Commons-research] Fwd: [Foundation-l] RfC: Wikimedia Foundation Research Goals
- From: "Mike Linksvayer" <ml AT>
- To: commons-research AT
- Subject: [Commons-research] Fwd: [Foundation-l] RfC: Wikimedia Foundation Research Goals
- Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 22:12:26 -0700
Some good ideas for commons researchers, and I may crib some meta
ideas for a similar document from CC.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Moeller <erik AT>
Date: Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 4:02 PM
Subject: [Foundation-l] RfC: Wikimedia Foundation Research Goals
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l AT>
Sue & I have drafted a set of research goals that the Wikimedia
Foundation supports. The purpose of the document is to have something
we can point researchers, universities, foundations, and other third
parties to when they ask us: So, what kind of research are you
interested in? Will you support/endorse my research proposal X? In
most cases, we will not actively pursue these goals directly -- we'll
just try to facilitate & endorse research by third parties.
These research goals need to line up with our overall organizational
goals to make sense, so we've tried to map research goals to
organizational goals.
In light of this constraint, please do feel free to make revisions, or
to suggest changes on the discussion page:
It's still a draft looked at by only two people - so we do expect it
to be incomplete. :-)
(BTW - I'm aware that some chapters are pursuing a research agenda on
their own: This is great, and these Foundation goals are in no way
meant to be prescriptive for chapters.)
Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation
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- [Commons-research] Fwd: [Foundation-l] RfC: Wikimedia Foundation Research Goals, Mike Linksvayer, 04/08/2008
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