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- From: Jessica Coates <jessica AT>
- To: "'commons-research AT'" <commons-research AT>
- Subject: Re: [Commons-research] Presentation format
- Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 18:02:06 +1000
Hi all
I'd like to second the proposal that we have some discussion panels on OA to
research, as well as a more traditional chance for people to present their
own research on the commons.
We were thinking of proposing a panel on current initiatives in OA to
research (movement in OA journals etc), though we hadn't worked out the
Unless something like this seems more appropriate for the main Summit, and
the research stream should just focus on presenting actual research people
have conducted? What do people think?
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 21:54:24 +0800
From: "Giorgos Cheliotis" <giorgos AT>
Subject: [Commons-research] Presentation format
To: <commons-research AT>
<FA3090E732DC6A4EB8E2D875EEB486A58C4476 AT>
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Regarding presentation format, I will agree that traditional
speaker-by-speaker presentations can be dull, but that is not necessarily the
case when people have something interesting to say, so I hope that we will
receive good, thought-provoking submissions and then it should not be a
problem. Also, the purpose of research is to go into some depth and the only
way we can do justice to the work that people have been doing on themes
related to the workshop is to give them some time to develop their ideas when
However, we will also include several opportunities for more lively
interaction. So far I have noted down 3 ideas:
1. a discussion on future research directions and possible collaborations
across institutions
2. a discussion on open versus closed reviews and how to promote more open
forms of reviewing and publishing in academic circles
3. a speed-geeking session for more practice-oriented and artistic works that
are innovative but would not necessarily fit under the rubric of academic
Re: [Commons-research] Presentation format,
Jessica Coates, 03/04/2008
- Re: [Commons-research] Presentation format, Giorgos Cheliotis, 03/13/2008
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