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ch-scene - A call to action: what MUSICIANS can do to help fight for equal

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Subject: RTP-area local music and culture

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  • From: Shayne <shayne.d.oneill AT>
  • To: ch-scene AT
  • Subject: A call to action: what MUSICIANS can do to help fight for equal
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:36:30 -0800 (PST)

***Please pass this email along to anyone you know who is involved in
the music industry.***

Hey folks!

I'm not sure if you know this already, but on Dec. 10th, there is
going to be a national strike/boycott/volunteer movement to protest
the incredible injustice of Prop 8 and similar rulings that ban same-
sex marriage across the country. As a musician, what I have decided
to do (in addition to skipping out on my job for the day), is to
record a short blurb that says something like this:

"Hi, this is Shayne from The Future Kings of Nowhere. You WOULD be
hearing one of our songs right now, but we are joining with our
brothers and sisters across the country in a nationwide strike to
protest the injustice of Proposition 8 and similar rulings across the
country that ban same-sex marriage....etc, etc." (for the full text of
what I plan to say, see the bottom of this email)

My intent is to deliver this recording to the local radio stations and
have them play it in lieu of any Future Kings songs they might
otherwise have played on Dec. 10th. DJ Stevo has already agreed to
help out with this at WKNC and I'm talking to folks at WXDU and WXYC
about it now. I'm telling you all of this because I would really like
for this to be more than one band going on strike for the day, and you
are either in a band or know someone who is (or both!). Would your
band be willing to go on strike for the day with us? I'll collect
these blurbs (in mp3 format) from as many bands as I can and bring
them to the radio stations to help spread the message about what is
happening in the name of equal rights.

You can send the mp3s to me at futurekingsofnowhere AT Or, if
it makes it easier for you, I'll come to where you are and record you
directly onto my laptop. It would only take a few minutes, and I
don't mind traveling around to collect them. To set this up, either
drop me an email at futurekingsofnowhere AT or call me at (919)

If you could, please please please forward this email to everyone you
know who is involved in the music industry. Imagine what a powerful
statement we could make if all of the local bands in the Triangle went
on strike together for a day!

Thank you!

Shayne O'Neill
The Future Kings of Nowhere
futurekingsofnowhere AT

If you want some ideas for your blurb, the full text of what we plan
to say will be something like this (I may edit it a bit from here, but
this is the general idea):

"Hi, this is Shayne from The Future Kings of Nowhere. You WOULD be
hearing one of our songs right now, but we are joining with our
brothers and sisters across the country in a nationwide strike to
protest the injustice of Proposition 8 and similar rulings across the
country that ban same-sex marriage. Our country was founded on the
idea of equal rights for all of its citizens, but it has not always
lived up to that ideal. Only 40 years ago, it was illegal for black
people and white people to marry one another. Fortunately, good
people came together on both sides of the color line and fought for
equal rights. Today a similar fight is going on over same-sex
marriage. Our society holds marriage up as the end goal for
relationships, as the ultimate expression of love between two
individuals, which makes it horrible that we then refuse to allow
certain people to participate in that expression, simply because of
their gender. It's hard enough to find love in this world, and even
harder to make it last. Why then, would we deny anyone the chance to
try? For more information on what you can do to ensure that everyone
in this country is provided the same legal rights, please go to
or call your local representative to let them know that you support
same-sex marriage in North Carolina and the United States. Thank you."

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