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ch-scene - Nightlight's Weekend Shows ... Special Update

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  • From: "Jenks Miller" <nightlightbooking AT>
  • To: nightlight AT
  • Subject: Nightlight's Weekend Shows ... Special Update
  • Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 12:00:38 -0400

*Nightlight's weekend shows!
We usually do not have shows on Sundays and Mondays, but this week is
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti + more on Sunday//Extreme Animals + more on

Friday, 8/1, 9:30pm ($6)
The Tourist / The Invisible Hand / The Sibling Project / Dylan Gilbert** *

*The Tourist *- From his website: The Tourist does what every other
red-blooded, middle-class male does: he plays the guitar. What's the
incentive, then, to listen to yet another dime a dozen, suburban kid who has
"feelings" and "loves" things and obviously is way too "self-effacing" for
his own good, you ask? Cash. That, and he's better than a lot of them.

*The Invisible Hand* - From his website: Ultimately, the goal of harnessing
chaos and noise into beautiful, thought-out, popping melodies has been
apparent in Adam's music since the ripe age of fourteen. His passion for
turning heads with abrasive timbres, like the crack of falling timber to the
aftermath of a slow decay into earth's perpetual loop of life via
degradation. Continually tired of being force fed ideas, songwriting is the
only way to convey an aural image that is truly unique to his personal
experiences, experiences which are a regular occurrence and common to
everyone. They range from philosophy and politics to love and food. But the
obvious meanings and meanderings of the lyrics only carries weight with the
strength of melody's backbone, which has been his focus for the entirety of
his career.

*Dylan Gilbert* - From the Raleigh Hatchet: Both romantic and realist,
Gilberts young mind shows wisdom beyond his years. At nineteen, he already
showcases what promises to be a rockin career in music. An amazing talent,
he has nowhere to go but up....Dylans early display of maturity as a singer,
songwriter, and guitarist has only to age like the fine Bordeaux that he is,
and the world will be drunk, buzzing about him soon.

*The Sibling Project* - From The DTH's Diversions: The heartfelt
effervescence of The Sibling Project's brand of indie pop is entirely
accessible, leaning on the male-female vocals of real-life siblings Danny
and Lindsey Ranck. Laptop beats mesh with Danny's acoustic guitar and
Lindsey's keyboards to create a sweetly melodic backdrop to the unprocessed,
earnest sound of the vocals.

*Saturday, 8/2, 10pm ($5)
FrequeNC Records Night - Annie Blazer's Going Away Party!!

**FrequeNC hosts members of "the magic twig community"*
*BOYS LIE (live new wave-y stuff)
TURBO P (live electro/disco)
and as always, djs, lights, fog and video!!*

Sunday, 8/3, 8pm ($6)
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffitti / Clang Quartet / Unicornucopia / Ami Dang /
Boyzone / Chairlift *

*ARIEL PINK + HAUNTED GRAFFITI Band* <<< addictive lo-fi neon rainbow
smorgasboard of all your favorite kinds of pop music, disremembered,
expanded with a full live band. You and all the other ugly people in
the world singing these songs together, is a beautiful thing

*CLANG QUARTET* <<< You know Clang -ecstatic noise for Jesus, since
1997! ♥ ♥ ♥

*UNICORNICOPIA* <<< Susie Simpson's ex roommate BFF and sometime R
Stevie Moore collaborator Natalie Weiss's highly performative
one-woman event has manifested itself as everything from a full length
musical, complete with 14 singing dancing puppeteers, to one-woman
electronic sound sculpture, turning countless audience members onto
Jesus + emotion(!)

* AMI DANG* <<<classically trained in North Indian classical music in
Delhi, Ami projects alternating particles of Indian and American
sounds through sitar, vocals, and electronics . . . she's done some
recent work with No Neck Blues Band's Dave Nuss and MV Carbon of
Metalux. Real dreamy stuff!

*BOYZONE* <<< the battery light of the metal zone pedal growing dimmer

* CHAIRLIFT* <<< Blind date

*Coming Monday, 08/04, 9:30pm
Extreme Animals / Fortress of Amplitude / Secret Boyfriend / DJ Nasty Boots*


405 1/2 W. Rosemary St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
booking - nightlightbooking AT
info, inquiries, etc. - nightlightinfo AT
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  • Nightlight's Weekend Shows ... Special Update, Jenks Miller, 08/01/2008

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