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ch-scene - stuff to do, week of November 2, 2006

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  • From: grady <grady AT>
  • To: RTP-area local music and culture <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: stuff to do, week of November 2, 2006
  • Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 22:01:29 -0500

VOTE on Tuesday. Please.

til then:

Thursday, November 2
Black Elk (
Chest Pains (
Dark Horse (
Kings, Raleigh

Thursday, November 2
Kylesa (
Idea of Beauty (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Friday, November 3
Vialka (
Double Muslims (
The Werehouse, Winston-Salem

Friday, November 3
Pulsar Triyo (
Sweater Weather (
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham

Pulsar Triyo are a trio of Duke students playing funky jazz a la MMW, I guess. Sweater Weather are at least partially UNC students; hopefully there won't be a rumble.

Friday, November 3
Colossus (
Worn in Red (
Hazerai (
Kings, Raleigh

Friday, November 3
Nathan Asher & the Infantry (
Bombadil (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Friday, November 3
The Cartridge Family (
Slim's Downtown, Raleigh

Sloppy-fun bar-rock from a Raleigh band who hold the Stones, NY Dolls, and "Blonde on Blonde"-era Dylan in equally high esteem, (but don't let that get in the way of their good time).

Friday, November 3
Prabir and the Substitutes (
Simple (
Jen Richelson (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Friday, November 3
Veronique Diabolique (
Ringside, Durham

In case you were too scared/sensible to make the trek to Local 506 on Halloween night, you can have a potentially even spookier time at the always-terrifying Ringside, with Durham French Goths Veronique Diabolique, and the Twin Peaks [soundtrack] tribute band Garmonbozia.

Saturday, November 4
The Physics of Meaning (
des_ark (
Hope for a Golden Summer (
Auxiliary House (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

This show is smack in the middle of a monthlong tour for des_ark and The Physics of Meaning, wherein Aimee will play guitar with TPOM, and TPOM will play everything they variously play as part of des_ark. I know you all love the 2006 version of des_ark, which involves Aimee, various stringed instruments, and a predictable amount of tuning (and not much else). But if you haven't seen her songs performed with a full band, you don't even know.

Saturday, November 4
Bellafea (
Ume (
White Rook (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Bellafea are Heather on guitar & singing, and Nathan on drums. And clogging . . . lots of clogging. White Rook are a newish Chapel Hill band with Eddie from Fin Fang Foom, but I haven't seen 'em & have no details beyond that.

Saturday, November 4
Graveyard Boulevard (
Slim's Downtown, Raleigh

Sunday, November 5
Pattern is Movement (
Megafaun (
Kings, Raleigh

Pattern is Movement are from Philadelphia; they make sorta-proggy postpunk with highly distinctive vocals that I used to find incredibly annoying, but now I find kinda catchy. Plus the guy singing those vocals is a really nice, albeit exceptionally weird, dude.

Megafaun is most of what's left of DeYarmond Edison.

Sunday, November 5
Jason Forrest a.k.a. Donna Summer (
The Assdroids (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Nightlight says:

The undead will rise, shave the moss off their tongue, and come out to enjoy the spazz-riddled land that exists between breakcore and ecstatic jazz. Say Assdroids aloud to experience a new kind of school lunch. Jason Forrest of Berlin produces records of a most rapid-fire craziness that exists beyond computers. The Brain of HAL 9000 gets disrupted - this is the only way to save the future!!!! Music to survive apocalyptic bowel movements. The Assdroids are the Pied Piper of cell phone ring tone magical energy. Two guys(?) one named Pisces Motherfucker and the other named Big Daddy Mugglestone. They hail from Berlin as well and they like to say "sleng teng". It's the password to get to level three, where you get the +7 high-heeled boots of Necrofreakoff. Dance music for bow-legged crow heads.

Sunday, November 5
Witchcraft (
Danava (
Leadfoot (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Witchcraft are metal from Sweden.

Sunday, November 5
Hazerai (
In the Year of the Pig (
Worn in Red (
Carol Bui (
Wetlands, Chapel Hill

Hazerai are ex-Country Bears, who were kinda Fugaziesque punk/rock. In The Year of the Pig are a fucking huge ferocious wall of pulsing throbbing "rock"/noise action. They are genius.

Monday, November 6
Vialka (
Dead Western (
Alec K. Redfearn (
Inspector 22
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Nightlight sez:

A two piece (guitar/drums/vox) travelling micro-circus known as Vialka will be making their way from their land of France to join us this special, special Monday night. They perform as if to deliver a tonic, a tonic of healing, soothing old world remedy, but wicked-fried and dressed to kill. Their entire musical being is an ongoing sociological experiment in charged pheromones and swirling intercourse, verbal and otherwise. They are a much-more worldly example of what S.C.O.T.S. would be like if they were born in Ukraine and listened to Rush. They bring along North East Indie Recording artist Alec K. Redfearn, who seems to spend his spare time passed out next to his Accordian. Alec specializes in pastoral contemplation and melody - a children's choir would aspire to beauty such as this but come up short for lack of inventiveness. Aforementioned Dead Western is Troy Mighty, of Antennas Erupt and album art fame. His illustrations have graced the presence of many beautiful recordings and concert posters, including a sick Erase Errata flyer that hung on the wall in my old house from a bygone era of Chapel Hill freaknasty. Dead Western is a musical entity that has a solemn quality to it that belies an underlying strum of hope for the future. The lonely guitar chords are companion to Troy's deep resonance and the complete sound makes me yearn for waking up too early on Sunday morning. Inspector 22 is Todd Emmert. Todd is one of the most talented and interesting folks you might meet in Chapel Hill. He and Mike Myerson form the core of both Mowing Lawns and Hamburgur Helpur . . .

Tuesday, November 7
White Whale (
Headlights (
Honored Guests (
Local 506, Chapel Hill


Tuesday, November 7
Valient Thorr (
Street Sharks (
Order of the Dying Orchid (
Kings, Raleigh

Valient Thorr are evangelical hardrock from Venus. Vote!

Tuesday, November 7
Rotten Milk vs Bubblegum Shitface
My Fairy Prince
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Nightlight says:

RMVSBS = Chicago's Terry Plumming Heads, Lumpen Magazine Editor at Large, Nomadic garbage noise improvers with a certain TP flair for grotesque + scatalogical funk gestures ... WATERBABIES =prog/dance/noise/rock quartet featuring members of Mahjonng, BOBBY CONN band, Lazer Crystal & Chandeliers - MY FAIRY PRINCE =according to Rotten Milk, "solo noise performance gay as can be" - I bet there are some of you out there who like that sort of thing!


Wednesday, November 8
Roman Candle (
LaRocca (
The Changes (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

Wednesday, November 8
Mad Happy (
Anaturale (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Thursday, November 9
Apis Bull (
The Cassandra Project (
Karate High School (
Worst Case Scenario (
Marvell Building, Durham

Apis Bull are from New Bern; they make tight mathy metallic gtr/drums instrumental rock that veers between the insanely repetitious & the spazzy/skronky ends of things. Cassandra Project are some kind of Durham Supergroup (well, aren't they all?)

Thursday, November 9
The Black Angels (
Black Keys (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

Thursday, November 9
The Mountain Goats (
The Flying Anvil, Greensboro

Thursday, November 9
Caltrop (
Building the State (
Tiger Bear Wolf (
Reservoir, Carrboro

Two of the best heavy bands in central NC, Caltrop & Tiger Bear Wolf, plus some outta town dudes. Caltrop contain ex-members of Continent & El Sucio; they make great huge slowly rotating slabs of Sabbathy sludge. Tiger Bear Wolf are from Greensboro & they're kinda like Southern Rock meets Motorhead.

Thursday, November 9
Juan Huevos (
The Dynamite Brothers (
Pink Motor Monsters (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Friday, November 10
Charalambides (
Josephine Foster (
Chuck Johnson
DJ One Duran
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Nightlight says (hey! I just got an email that said they're going NONSMOKING! fuckin'-A awesome!):

Charalambides features Christina Carter, who turned our heads back on Sunday Sept 17th, that fateful day. Christina Carter and Tom Carter explore a singular form of interplay amongst spiritual soul-lifting forms and formlessness through developed interplay and a respect for chance. Songs get worked for skeletal structures to include and then exclude the haunting vocalizations of Christina while the masterful guitarwork of Christina and Tom is laid bare between and amongst slight noises like bells and wind. A true treat for the Nightlight faithful. We also have Chuck Johnson, who is a local treasure, but I heard he's moving to NYC, so this might be one of your last chances to see Chuck so accessibly. Chuck has offered a "mystical drone set", which sounds very Middle-Earth to me. Elves, dwarves, and Chuck's masterful work at creating and sustaining subtly nuanced yet very pronounced musical passages using whatever he pleases, including but not limited to guitar, homemade electronic devices, and a mysterious suitcase. [. . .] After we relax and get unspooked from Chuck and Charalambides, a special appearance by former Chapel Hill resident/now ASHEVILLE party lover ZEKE GRAVES, who will be rolling down from Asheville to twiddle our dee-lite-alicious twizzler dispenser. One Duran spins your fucking hed off. Right round the turntable out comes thick deep beats and funky ass hip-hop glory. Markus Maerk - organized Signal Music Fest and now we get him for a night.

Friday, November 10
Maple Stave (
Red Collar (
In the Year of the Pig (
Joe & Jo's, Durham

This is the beginning of the weekend-long celebration of Chaz's one-year anniversary as a music purveyor in Durham. It's also a Maple Stave CD-release party (finally!) for their EP Two. And of course you also get the Fugazi-influenced prole-rock of Red Collar, and the tiny-animal-hat wearing wall-of-throb noisejam that is In The Year of the Pig.

Friday, November 10
Erie Choir (
Audubon Park (
Pleasant (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

This is a dual CD-release show for both Audubon Park & Erie Choir; perhaps more remarkably, both CDs are apparently full-lengths, rather than the EPs that both bands have made their names/reputations with over the past 2-3 years. Can either one sustain "the mood" for more than 4-5 songs running? Show up, pay yr $10, and take home yr complimentary copies of both discs so as to find out.

In case that last paragraph wound up mis-construable: Erie Choir & Audubon Park are two of my favorite bands in the Triangle, and the 6 EPs (if you count Erie Choir's contribution to the 3x4 comp) they've released between them have been among my very favorite CDs of the past few years. They've managed to avoid giving me advance copies of the new discs, but even without having heard them I'll wager that a couple of slots on my year-end top-10 list will be filled tonight.

Friday, November 10
Weisstronauts (
Killer Filler (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

A double dose of instrumental garage/surf/whatever mayhem from Boston's Weisstronauts & locals Killer Filler.

Friday, November 10
Hearts and Daggers ( )
The Tripple Twins
The Della Rounds
Spader (
Kings, Raleigh

Friday, November 10
The Bleeding Hearts (
Slim's Downtown, Raleigh

Saturday, November 11
Wigg Report (
Beloved Binge (
Charles Latham (
Chaz's Bull City Records, Durham

This is an all-afternoon extravaganza; in addition to the bands I've listed, Chaz is also promising solo sets by Sean Murphy & Jamie McLendon (both of Dom Casual), plus food & god knows what else, all as part of his 1st Anniversary party for himself and the shop.

Saturday, November 11
Richard Buckner (
Two Dollar Guitar (
The Flying Anvil, Greensboro

This is an early (7:00 p.m. and they mean that) show. Richard Buckner has been making his sparse singer/songwriter music for 20-odd years; the last couple have been on Merge, and he's been getting more into creating ambient guitar soundscapes. I saw Two Dollar Guitar once, but it was from the street outside the Lizard and Snake, so really all I saw was the back of Steve Shelley's head.

Saturday, November 11
Across the Elementary (
European Ambulance
Above the Ground (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Nightlight says this one is all acoustic & most/all solo, and it starts at 8:00 (you're encouraged to get a sammich, and I have to heartily concur with that).

Saturday, November 11
Gob Iron (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

Gob Iron is the name of the new collaboration between Jay Farrar (Uncle Tupelo, Son Volt) and Anders Parker (Varnaline, ex-Raleighite); it's all about revising/re-imagining the American folk songbook, or something.

Saturday, November 11
Natasha (
Le Weekend (
Noncanon (
Torch Marauder's Grappling Hook (
The Scene of the Crime Rovers (
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham

This is the annual WXDU Fall Benefit. Every year we (OK, well, mostly Herrick) struggle mightily to overcome the convoluted overbooked work schedules of the Triangle's musicians in order to bring you the freshest possible lineup of bands your friends will be asking you about 9 months from now. I'd give you a list of bands who've played previous benefits, but it'd be so long & so studded with the names of yr favorite bands that you'd probably collapse in tears for having missed 'em.

This year we've got Natasha, who formed 2 years ago at Carolina Friends School, played a handful of gigs, recorded and released a knockout CD of crazy low-fi Le Tigre-style synth party/punk jams, and promptly broke up. Later they realized the horrible error of their ways, and now they're devoted to rocking you into & out of pants, yours or someone else's.

Le Weekend is the brand new (as in, this is their first or maybe second gig, depending on who you ask) band of Matt Kalb, who plays guitar in Audubon Park & who sang & wrote half the songs in the late lamented Hotel Motel. He's got various local rock superstars backing him on this, so if sparks don't fly, it's probably not our fault.

Noncanon are a gtr/drums duo featuring Danny Vaughn (ex-Mothlight) and Rob Koegler (Cheap Heat). Danny sings and plays guitar that veers from blues to free jazz to Chrome shards and back again. Rob plays jazz-inflected drums with a light touch & a good ear for where Danny might be wandering.

Torch Marauder's Grappling Hook is the culmination of everything the Caped One has been working for all these years. He's traded in the TV sets for Evan Rowe (Maple Stave), Jenny Greer & Dave Heller (both ex-Analogue, Cheap Heat), and the consensus seems to be that all the scifi/fantasy subject matter is elevated from confusing/amusing dadaist prank to the level of genuine emotional resonance, however improbable that may seem.

As if that weren't enough, we've been promised a visit by Durham's own avant-garde marching band, the Scene of the Crime Rovers.

Saturday, November 11
Jimmy & The Teasers (
The Cogburns (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Saturday, November 11
Detroit Cobras (
The King Khan & BBQ Show (
Taylor Hollingsworth (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

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  • stuff to do, week of November 2, 2006, grady, 11/02/2006

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