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ch-scene - stuff to do, week of June 12, 2004

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  • From: grady <grady AT>
  • To: ch-scene AT
  • Subject: stuff to do, week of June 12, 2004
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 17:58:25 -0400

I'm pretty sure there's also stuff to do tonight, Friday the 11th. If nothing else, head over to Branch Gallery on Weaver St. in Carrboro for the opening of a big showcase-show of local artists. And then:

Saturday, June 12
Blood Vessels of the Eye, Lords of Light [],
King Moonracer []
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Blood Vessels of the Eye are one of countless small-group improv-based
ensembles which sprouted up as in the wake of Micro-East Collective.
This one features Martha Bausch (flute), Jason Bivins (guitar) & Bill
McConaghy (trumpet) but don't take that instrument list as any kind of
hint as to what it'll sound like, necessarily.

I believe Lords of Light sprang from the ashes of Robot Vs. Rabbit,
who were a grind-drone-noise band from over near Charlotte.

Saturday, June 12
Straight 8s [], Three Torches
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Rockabilly straight-up from Straight 8s (they've got the standup bass
to prove it, or prove something--and I'll betcha nobody tries to stand
on it). Echoey Tom-Waits-influenced neo-swampabilly from Three

Saturday, June 12
The Bleeding Hearts [], The
Loners []
Kings, Raleigh

Saturday, June 12
Jett Rink [], The Spinns
[], Fashion Brigade
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Last time Jett Rink played Local 506, there was a mysterious and rowdy
contingent of young sorority types crowded around the stage, which
only added to the atmosphere of surreal abandon that always pervades
whenever they play. Viva will transport you to a time and place in the
not-so-distant past and/or future where disaffection and longing meet
up with frustration, sweat & desire & everybody dances.

Also on the bill, the rudimentary we-hate-"meaning" garage-stomp of
the Spinns, and a band from Wilmington called Fashion Brigade who've
only just lately broken through the invisible barrier between there &
here. So welcome them if you see them.

Sunday, June 13
Supersuckers []
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

Longtime fans of the Supersuckers will recall their penchant for
recording country records every so often; this show takes that to the
stage, with the band delivering one set of rock & another set of
country. I kinda thought the whole point was to moosh it all together
& then fuck the eyesocket of the unholy bastard child that resulted,
but what do I know?

Sunday, June 13
Demolition Doll Rods [], The Loners
[], Chrome Plated Apostles
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Loners are a hot-as-shit two piece blues/R&B/garage outfit from
Raleigh. They're pretty great on record but they're 100x better live.
Chrome Plated Apostles features members of the Bad Checks, Jett Rink,
and Pipe/Bedwetter.

Also on the bill, Detroit's Demolition Doll Rods, who apparently spend
more time picking out matching bras & panties to perform in than they
do on songwriting or practicing, at least judging from their latest
album, which utterly blows, even by naked-lady-band standards.
Luckily, it's a Sunday night & you gotta be home early, so just make
sure you show up in time for the first 2 bands, who'll give you more
than your money's worth anyway.

Tuesday, June 15
Maple Stave [], Polynya, tommygun
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Wednesday, June 16
Acid Mothers Temple [], The Psychic
Paramount []
Go! Studios Rm. 4, Carrboro

Acid Mothers Temple are some kind of massive psych-rock collective
from Japan, which of course means their website is fairly inscrutable
but fun to poke around on. My own personal rule is to try to see any &
all bands from Japan, as I have never yet been disappointed. Even if
the music doesn't float yr boat (I have to say, ex-Girl weren't doing
it for me) there are bound to be giant flower helmets and enormous
frogs and just general weirdness. Or, in the case of Acid Mothers
Temple, stabs at finding the cosmic principle:

"Drugs are only a means to an end; they're only a first guide to the
fundamental principles of the universe. The music that I refer to as
trip music are sounds that move towards that cosmic principle. Trip
music always contains, if only fractionally, some of those sounds of
absolute purity that are related to the cosmic principle. Anyone who
has glimpsed that next step on the path towards the cosmic principle,
even once and irrespective of whether they're aware of it or not, will
be aware of these sounds - even without the help of drugs. And those
sounds themselves are a big clue towards finding the cosmic principle.
Of course there are many things that are both psychedelic rock and
trip music at the same time. But there are also many things that are
just skilful imitations, and you have to be careful to tell the

Wednesday, June 16
Decemberists [], The Long Winters
[], Places
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

Friday, June 18
Countdown Quartet []
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Friday, June 18
The Dynamite Brothers [], Japan Air
Go! Studios Rm. 4, Carrboro

Dynamite Brothers are high-intensity backwoods stomp boogie/blues from
Chapel Hill. Japanair are from Winston-Salem, and they're kinda
shoegazery. I'm not sure where the overlap is, but I guess we'll find

Friday, June 18
Valient Thorr []
Kings, Raleigh

Valient Thorr came here from either Greenville or Venus, or both.
They're an intensely sincere parody of all the outer-space excesses of
70s prog, and they're also just a kickass space-metal band with an
insane genius of a post-AC/DC/Motorhead frontman.

Saturday, June 19
DKT/MC5 [], Cobra Verde
[], Valient Thorr
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

DKT/MC5 reunites the 3 surviving members of the Motor City Five with a
rotating cast of guitarists & guest vocalists. Mark Arm has done time
on the tour, which sorta makes sense. So have Evan Dando and Marshall
Crenshaw, which doesn't, quite, or at least not nearly as much. My
skepticism of reunion shows in general and fillers-for-dead-guys in
particular means I'm gonna have to skip this one. Maybe Cy will tell
me how it was.

Saturday, June 19
Dexter Romweber [], Jimmy & The Teasers
Local 506, Chapel Hill

This is a CD-release party for Dexter & his new CD, "Blues That Defy
My Soul," which is yet another brilliant Dexter Romweber album. His
resolve to get straight & stay straight only seems to have fueled his
passion for music & performing, and I'd readily put this album & his
previous one, "Chased By Martians," up against the best & brightest
moments of his entire career.

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