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cc-metadata - Question about deeds...

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cc-metadata AT

Subject: discussion of the Creative Commons Metadata work

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  • From: Michael Gehm <mgehm AT>
  • To: metadata AT
  • Subject: Question about deeds...
  • Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:59:11 -0500


My name is Michael Gehm and I'm a graduate student at Duke University. In the next few weeks, I will be finishing my Ph.D. thesis, and would like to make it available on my research group's website under a cc license.

My question to you is: is it permissible to include a graphic representation of the deed _in_ the front matter of my thesis. I realize that the hyperlink would not work, so I would replace that with the URL. I also would include the printed matter metadata that you suggest.

Basically, I find the deed (I by this I'm referring to the license summary) very eye-catching, and would like to include it because I think people will stop and read a page with it, rather than skipping over it as they are wont to do with small text on what is clearly a copyright page.



Michael E. Gehm PGP/GPG Public Key Available at:
Research Assistant
Duke University Physics Department

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