cc-licenses AT
Subject: Development of Creative Commons licenses
List archive
- From: "Sunir Shah" <sunir AT>
- To: "Discussion on the Creative Commons license drafts" <cc-licenses AT>
- Subject: RE: Licensing ideas and online communication
- Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 15:06:35 -0500
> Second - what would be the best license option, from Creative Commons
point of
> view, to protect content on a blog from being commercially exploited, or
> used without a credit (attribution)? Would a combination of BY+NC work for
> this purpose? Our would NC be enough? Would it really cover derivative
> IDEAS in the posts (again, it goes back to the first point).
Don't publish it. I'm not being facetious. Once you publish an
idea, the implicit understanding is that you did with the intent
to lose control of the idea.
That's not entirely true, though. You can have a non-disclosure
agreement with all your readership--which would essentially be
you and your mother, as you likely have nothing of value on a
blog worth signing a contract over.
Blogs aren't meant to be so much.
Licensing ideas and online communication,
Maxim Oustiougov, 01/07/2004
- Re: Licensing ideas and online communication, Mike Linksvayer, 01/08/2004
- Re: Licensing ideas and online communication, Evan Prodromou, 01/09/2004
- RE: Licensing ideas and online communication, Sunir Shah, 01/09/2004
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