cc-licenses AT
Subject: Development of Creative Commons licenses
List archive
- From: Glenn Otis Brown <glenn AT>
- To: Discussion on the Creative Commons license drafts <cc-licenses AT>
- Subject: Re: translations of CC licenses
- Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:21:29 +0900
woops, i didn't see mike's response in time. good thing we're saying the same thing!
On Jan 9, 2004, at 2:23 AM, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
Jean-Christophe Barnoud wrote:
I may get things wrong, but I understand the translation effort of the CC licenses as not only translating but also adapting them to the legal framework of different countries.
If this is right, it is quite different from the unofficial translations of the GPL and similar texts and raises -at least- two questions :
1. Will we see conflicts between a US-English share-alike license and a (for instance) France-French share-alike license for a derivative work ?
The versioned ShareAlike licenses should allow for use of "equivalent" ShareAlike licenses, where equivalence includes legal ports and subsequent versions of the license.
2. How do we handle links to the licences from multilingual contents (for instance the same web page in two different languages) if the English language and (for instance) French language licenses are not exact translations ?
You can use a single license, though you can multiply license if you want. The deed (the human-readable summary that you link to from a licensed work) for that single license can have any number of language translations, which will display to the user as appropriate using content negotiation, assuming the translation is available. Currently Japanese translations of the original license deeds are available.
Mike Linksvayer
cc-licenses mailing list
cc-licenses AT
translations of CC licenses,
Jean-Christophe Barnoud, 01/08/2004
Re: translations of CC licenses,
Mike Linksvayer, 01/08/2004
- Re: translations of CC licenses, Glenn Otis Brown, 01/08/2004
Re: translations of CC licenses,
Glenn Otis Brown, 01/08/2004
Re: translations of CC licenses,
Jean-Christophe Barnoud, 01/08/2004
- Re: translations of CC licenses, Mike Linksvayer, 01/08/2004
Re: translations of CC licenses,
Jean-Christophe Barnoud, 01/08/2004
Re: translations of CC licenses,
Mike Linksvayer, 01/08/2004
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