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  • From: "Theodoros G. Karounos" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Cc-gr] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] Translation policy for 4.0 and CC0, and Chooser revision
  • Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:42:23 +0300


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kat Walsh <>
Date: Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 12:45 AM
Subject: [cc-affiliates] Translation policy for 4.0 and CC0, and Chooser revision
To: cc affiliates <>


We are revisiting our policy on translations for 4.0 and propose that
all official translations will be treated as legally equivalent; we
are also thinking about changing the CC0 translation policy to
function the same way. We will be revising the Chooser for the launch
so that the new default license choice will be a version 4.0 license,
and many of these changes depend on how we treat translations.

1. Translations

The proposal is that all official translations of the original English
version 4.0 licenses will be treated as equivalents.  Whether licensor
or licensee, you may select and read the licenses in the language you
prefer knowing that all have the same legal effect.  A new Section
7(e) in the licenses would provide that “All linguistic translations
of this Public License that are approved by Creative Commons shall be
treated as equivalents.”

This is the approach used in EU and Canadian legislation, is used in
the EU Public License, and is in line with how international treaties
traditionally operate (different language versions being “equally

This is, however, slightly different from the existing CC0 translation
plan[1], which we would change to align with this policy.  At present,
official translations of CC0 are legally effective, but in the event
of a dispute the English original controls.  We do not believe this is
necessary given the processes and quality controls we have in place
for those translations, which will be the same for translations of the
4.0 licenses.  We will be working with all of you to be sure that the
official translations accurately reflect the same meaning as the

We’d like to hear from you on whether this approach makes sense to you.


2. The Chooser

The Chooser revision is up on the staging server for you to preview
before launch:

The current idea for license language selection is that the license
will be displayed in whichever language the Chooser page itself is
displayed in, if the translation is available. If users want to read
the Chooser page in a different language, they may select a language
for the page from the language selection box below the Chooser, as in
the current version.

In this revision, ported versions of 3.0 and earlier will be available
by clicking a link at the top of the page; this will take users to a
screen explaining what this means and offering the option to continue
or go back. If they continue, the next screen will have the old
jurisdiction dropdown with the ported versions available. Versions 3.0
and earlier of the international license will not be available through
the Chooser.

On the Chooser, is it clear enough that 4.0 will be available in other
languages? (This is slightly difficult to preview, as no translations
are avilable yet.)

Thanks for your thoughts on these questions!


Kat Walsh, Counsel, Creative Commons
IM/IRC/@/etc: mindspillage * phone: please email first
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CC does not and cannot give legal advice. If you need legal advice,
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- Jiddu Krishnamurti: If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.


  • [Cc-gr] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] Translation policy for 4.0 and CC0, and Chooser revision, Theodoros G. Karounos, 06/15/2013

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