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Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?
- From: John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT>
- To: Ryan Merkley <ryan AT>
- Cc: "cc-europe AT" <cc-europe AT>
- Subject: Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?
- Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 15:17:31 +0200
Hi Maarten et al,
the BE agreement is up for renewal, but that doesn't impact on any mailing list membership or so.
Apart from that, the discussion was introduced to staff already and I'm not sure if the staff call is the best forum to discuss further, that's why Gwen and I are working on a proposal for the summit. That said, maybe it yields some good ideas to discuss it this evening.
@Ryan, Jess: If so, please forward to Gwen and me or make sure these ideas are documented somewhere ...
Best from Paris
On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Ryan Merkley <ryan AT> wrote:
Thanks Maarten. We'll discuss it on the call.
On a related note, I had sent a reply re: process for ongoing fundraising and translation. Would be good to hear your thoughts or any suggestions you had on it.
On 2015-06-23 5:22 AM, Maarten Zeinstra wrote:
Hi John,
It would be good to have the opinion of CC Global on a structural way to avoid these two issues that have been discussed on the various channels. I don’t believe that most of the people on this list know about the discussions on Github and that this list only reaches affiliates and not the wider community (for example CC Belgium is not on the list as they cannot get a Legal lead, which is a requirement of the MOU I think). That is not the entire community of CC. It might help to rethink how external communication is done with the CC-community. For example I see that Matt Lee tried to run again. Last post was over half a year ago.
It would be good to have CC run a public blog specifically for the community/network where they will announce things like testing funding schemes, request feedback on List and the new search. This could avoid a lot of these frustrations were having. This is of course a suggestion, other solutions could also remedie these issues.
On 23 Jun 2015, at 10:32 , John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT> wrote:
Hi all,_______________________________________________
there will be another all-staff call today, most notable agenda point for the group is Global Summit update. It's yet unclear whether we will be able to join the call, but let us know anyways if you have something to bring up, maybe Jessica can take care of it then.
Regarding the tech discussion happening on GitHub and elsewhere right now, we're planning to make that into a session for the summit, so it might not need to be on today's call. If you think otherwise, let us know.
CC-Europe mailing list
CC-Europe AT
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-- Ryan Merkley CEO, Creative Commons ryan AT +1 416.802.0662 @ryanmerkley Get Creative Commons Updates
CC-Europe mailing list
CC-Europe AT
[CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
John Weitzmann, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
Maarten Zeinstra, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
Ryan Merkley, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
John Weitzmann, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
Maarten Zeinstra, 06/23/2015
- Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?, John Weitzmann, 06/25/2015
- Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?, Alek Tarkowski, 06/30/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
Maarten Zeinstra, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
John Weitzmann, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
Ryan Merkley, 06/23/2015
Re: [CC-Europe] Input for the all-staff call (today 7 p.m. CEST)?,
Maarten Zeinstra, 06/23/2015
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