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Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates
- From: Teresa Nobre <teresaraposonobre AT>
- To: Gwen Franck <gwen AT>
- Cc: "cc-europe AT" <cc-europe AT>
- Subject: Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:28:52 +0000
CC Europe,
Are you mad? Only Poland, Denmark, Germany and Portugal have confirmed their engagement to this awesome Xmas mixtape project!
I'm counting on you; don't let me down! :)
2014-12-09 18:37 GMT+00:00 Gwen Franck <gwen AT>:
Hi everybody,just a little reminder about this great initiative - contribute to the new CC mixtape - just in time for the end-of-year festivities!Best,Gwen & John_______________________________________________---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teresa Nobre <teresaraposonobre AT>
Date: Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 12:38 PM
Subject: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates
To: "cc-affiliates AT" <cc-affiliates AT>Hi all,Do you remember the CC Europe Mixtape that the European affiliates did for the #cc10 bday?Well, we want to do it again, but this time we wanna have a worldwide mixture of sounds and feels! We don't know how this is going to sound, but we would love to get lost in Asian sounds, get African vibes, dig the Arab world music scene, go clubbing in Latin America and feel the European multiplicity!Are you in for it? If so, please add 1 or 2 CC-licensed tracks of your choice (or your community choice - feel free to ask around!) to this spreadsheet or email me no later than December 12.This is not really a well-planned project (no DJ, no funds...); it's just something we want to do because we love music and CC :) Thank you so much for your help!Obrigada,Teresa NobreCC Portugal Legal Lead
cc-affiliates mailing list
cc-affiliates AT
--Gwen Franck
Creative Commons
Regional Coordinator Europe
CC-Europe mailing list
CC-Europe AT
Teresa Nobre, LL.M. IP (MIPLC)
Attorney-at-law Limited Liability | Advogada Responsabilidade Limitada
Attorney-at-law Limited Liability | Advogada Responsabilidade Limitada
Confidential and legally privileged | Confidencial e protegido por segredo profissional
[CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Gwen Franck, 12/09/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Teresa Nobre, 12/10/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/10/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Teresa Nobre, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Teresa Nobre, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/11/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates, Alek Tarkowski, 12/12/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/12/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Teresa Nobre, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Teresa Nobre, 12/11/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,, 12/10/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Fwd: [cc-affiliates] CC World Mixtape by CC affiliates,
Teresa Nobre, 12/10/2014
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