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Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat
- From: John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT>
- To: "cc-europe AT" <cc-europe AT>
- Cc: Meryl Mohan <meryl AT>, Elliot Harmon <elliot AT>
- Subject: Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat
- Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:06:50 +0100
[cc'ing Meryl, Elliot and Jessica]
Doing this and thinking about what to do better with the whole "report" thing here's a question for all: Would it make sense to compile a more extensive report showing also highlights from the regions? That would of course need to be done by the respective RCs, but the regional group would at least need to contribute examples and short descriptions of their view on the state of the commons in their area.
Let us know. Best regards
On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 3:39 PM, John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT> wrote:
Hi Maarten,I relayed the critique to Ryan, Meryl and the others directly. The German translation, sent in in time, is still not up.That said, I think the feedback should stay within proportion. As disappointing as the results may be, including the report only being an info graphic etc., it took about 20 minutes to translate everything and nobody was/is required to promote it against their own assessment, which includes the tweet I referred to because you said you couldn't promote something pre publication.From my personal p.o.v. the map issue is rather quirky. When I first saw that second "map" I didn't even recognise any resemblance with the actual world map higher up in the graphic. But it probably is meant to be losely world-based, which must lead to an investigation how this can be avoided from now on. Everyone should keep in mind, though, that this thing was rushed in all its stages - which is the first thing to avoid in the future.BestJohnOn Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Maarten Zeinstra <mz AT> wrote:That is not good enough John.We were mobilised a week ago to promote a report that we had no say in, where we put aside our normal work to rush a translation that was changed last minute and still has disappoint results.I cannot promote this on as long as the published Dutch version on has mistakes in them. That reflects badly on me as an affiliate as well as Creative Commons as a professional organisation. You cannot expect to engage our own networks, social media en websites with these results.Referring to a tweet that I apparently need to retweet is not a sufficient reply to that critique.Best,MaartenOn 20 Nov 2014, at 22:01 , John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT> wrote:I'll make sure these point go on record for next time/simlar cases.For those that haven't seen the tweet:On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:48 PM, Ignasi Labastida i Juan <ilabastida AT> wrote:Hello,
I can add a bit more of disappoinment when I see that the two translations I sent on time, rushing because the short deadline, changing three times the original texts, are not there. The answer "working on putting it into the design, and it will be updated later". I think things can be done better...
IgnasiEl dia 20/11/2014 16:28, "Maarten Zeinstra" <mz AT> va escriure:I have the same sentiment as Alek here. We did a translation within hours of a request but only got to see the infographic today. With the addition that there were some error still in there (incomplete copy/pastes and not mindful of umlauts in the Dutch language). I would just a likely have translated it in the actual Photoshop file itself and send it back to Global and wait for the publication to push on a single day.
Likewise I am not comfortable using our @cc_nl for announcement of something that has not happened yet. That goes against our publication policy.
On 20 Nov 2014, at 15:12 , Alek Tarkowski <alek AT> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hi John,
I'm happy to help out a bit on the social media front (though I'll wait for the tweet with the report link :) ). But I must make a comment: if we had the option of participating in deciding the shape of the report; or could insert little nuggets (like most interesting examples from our countries), I'd have greater sense of involvement. translating content and spreading the word are actions quite late along the workflow.
If the report is something more than the infographic (it's not clear, but seems to be the case), we haven't even seen it before the public launch (which was usually the case in the past).
Maybe in future editions we can collaborate more? 'state of the commons' seems like something particularly suited to be done together by us.
On Nov 20, 2014, at 4:58, John Weitzmann <johnweitzmann AT> wrote:
Hi CC Europeans,_______________________________________________
several of you helped out already with translations for the upcoming State of the Commons Report, now it's time to spread the word. Let's produce a bit of a buzz around the net under the hashtag #stateofcc so that the good news be known far and wide. Right now the announcing tweet ...
... has 33 re-tweets. Network theory knows that from about 200 upwards it becomes really interesting. So re-tweet if you can or even embed the tweet in your websites with this:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>We'll be launching our State of the Commons report tomorrow - our most revealing data yet on the impact of free & open content. Stay tuned!</p>— Creative Commons (@creativecommons) <a href=""">November 20, 2014</a></blockquote><script async src=""//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Have a good rest of the week, yoursJohn & Gwen
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[CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
John Weitzmann, 11/20/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
Alek Tarkowski, 11/20/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat, Maarten Zeinstra, 11/20/2014
Message not available
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 11/20/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
John Weitzmann, 11/20/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
Maarten Zeinstra, 11/21/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat, Gwen Franck, 11/21/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
John Weitzmann, 11/23/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat, John Weitzmann, 11/23/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat, Alek Tarkowski, 11/24/2014
- Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat, John Weitzmann, 11/24/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
Maarten Zeinstra, 11/21/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
John Weitzmann, 11/20/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
Ignasi Labastida i Juan, 11/20/2014
Re: [CC-Europe] Action appreciated: CC's State of the Commons Report needs a drumbeat,
Alek Tarkowski, 11/20/2014
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