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Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08)
- From: Paul Keller <pk AT>
- To: cc-europe AT
- Subject: Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08)
- Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 09:46:34 +0100
dear Alek, Andrea, Juan Carlos, Prodromos & Ignasi,
thanks for taking this initiative which is think is what we had in mind when we started thinking about the project that later came to be communia. it is good to see this happening....
We have decided to start this mailing list as an effort:
- to coordinate our efforts in different European countries
- to take advantage of the COMMUNIA project meetings in order to meet and discuss our common problems and experiences, and
- to initiate a European CC working group.
[on a side note this mailing list is kind of a duplicate of an existing one that was established after the first cc-europe meeting in amsterdam. that list still exists and has all of you on it, but it has never really been used and i guess as it has been forgotten there will be no objections if i close it. lets hope that this list will fare better :)]
Though we intent to take advantage of the COMMUNIA project to facilitate our meetings, the CC Europe working group and COMMUNIA project are distinct. The former is an informal forum devoted to the specific issues of the CC community in Europe, whereas the latter is an EU funded project more broadly interested in issues of the Public Domain and the commons.
The CC Europe list aims at being a low volume, topic specific list for tackling focused issues that relate to CC Europe projects. In that sense it is distinct from other lists such as COMMUNIA, CC- licenses or the CC-Community lists.
The role of CC International is to support this initiative by appearing in the meetings and sharing expertise from other regional CC working groups (e.g. CC Asia). CC Europe is an initiative by European CC Project Leads intended to be only a loose working group independent from CC International.
i think this is a very sound structure. would it be possible that somone circulates a list of subscribers to this list or that someone explains what criteria have been used to subscribe people (i.e is membership of this list limited to european cc project leads? or is it an open list?)
We plan our first meeting to take place in the frthcoming January, a day before the COMMUNIA meeting (17.01.08). The idea is to use this first meeting in order to discuss an agenda of those issues that are of the greatest concern for the CC Europe projects.
A proposed agenda could include the following items:
1. Europe Specific legal issues
- Moral Rights clauses
- Collecting Societies Issues
- Related Rights inclusion in v.3.0 of the licences
as i mentioned to Juan Carlos and Andrea perviously i wont be able to attend the meeting in Torino (as it takes place at the same time as a iCommons workshop and the CC Asia meeting). It also seems to be difficult for Catharina to make it to the meeting, and as far as i know Melanie won't make in such a relatively short notice as well.
This means that one of the above topics (Collecting Society issues) will probably need to be discussed without the presence any of the persons that have been been working on this issue consitently in the past three years which would be a real pity (especially as there seems to be lots of movement in that aspect at the moment). For this reason alone it might be a good idea to find a new date for the meeting (which is probably more or less impossible unless the communia workshop will be moved as well (which i am told is not possible).
2. Organizational Issues
- Sustainability of national CC project (how we move from specific persons to org. structures)
- interaction between legal and non-legal experts
- interaction with other Open/ Free communities
- representation of national open content communities within CC structures (democratization of CC)
- funding issues
- Platforms used for the organization of community (online vs. offline/ facebook/ wiki/ mailing list/ blogs etc)
i would want to add something else to this agenda namely the question of the relationship between cc in europe and the European Union. of course there is COMMUNIA but that is in the first instance a research project. I have the feeling that we also need to think about if we want to take a more proactive stance on a number of policy issues that are dealt with by the commission e.g if we want to engage in a bit of lobbying.
3. Any other business.
so much for now,
This is a draft agenda only and any additional items would be most welcome.
Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
IMPORTANT: please indicate whether you would like to participate in the first CC Europe meeting (17.01.08) so that we have an estimate of the number of people attending.
Kind Regards,
Alek Tarkowski (CC Poland)
Andrea Glorioso (CC Italy)
Juan Carlos De Martin (CC Italy)
Ignasi Labastida (CC Spain)
Prodromos Tsiavos (CC England and Wales)
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Cc-europe mailing list
Cc-europe AT
Kennisland | Knowledgeland
t: +31 20 5756720 | m: +31 6 41374687 |
[Cc-europe] Welcome!,
Catharina Maracke, 11/12/2007
[Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08),
Prodromos Tsiavos, 11/27/2007
- Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe WorkingGroup (first meeting 17.01.08), Bodó Balázs, 11/27/2007
Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08),
Paul Keller, 11/29/2007
Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08),
Alek Tarkowski, 11/29/2007
- Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08), Catharina Maracke, 11/29/2007
Re: [Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08),
Alek Tarkowski, 11/29/2007
[Cc-europe] Invitation to participate in the CC Europe Working Group (first meeting 17.01.08),
Prodromos Tsiavos, 11/27/2007
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