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[Cc-es] [Fwd: <nettime> [rough cut] Okupa! Autonomy and Autogestion in Social Centers in]
- From: "Jennifer A. De Beer" <jenniferdebeer AT>
- To: cc-es AT
- Cc: lotu5 AT
- Subject: [Cc-es] [Fwd: <nettime> [rough cut] Okupa! Autonomy and Autogestion in Social Centers in]
- Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 00:59:17 +0000
pueda ser de interés para el grupo cc-es. si no hableís inglés no pasa
nada, solamente la noticia sale en ésta forma. ver la video y ¡ya! de
todos modos, me imagino que el grupo cc-es cuenta con una multiplicidad
de talento lingüístico :) a ver, el autor del video está buscando a alguien para traducir la noticia, y, a mi ver, será mejor si alguien que conozca más del tema del movimiento "okupa" en España, lo haría. chau, Jennifer --- por una isla pequeña en el hemisferio norte -------- Original Message --------
This is an early, rough cut of this film. I'm not sure what direction I want to go with this and am looking for feedback. Okupa investigates Deleuze's figure of the urban nomad, engaging in war with the state through the creation of smooth spaces. The video shows the activities and struggles of 4 occupied social centers or squats: Dezguace, Seco and Labo 03 all in Madrid and Casa de Iniciativas 1.5 in Málaga. The film shows the hacklabs, theater productions and workshops that are the daily activity of the social centers as well as the struggles against eviction. The video is a rough cut, and as such has small editing glitches. Also, it is partially subtitled, but not contiguously subtited, so if you don't speak spanish and the subtitles stop, skip ahead to the next section of the film. (can anyone help me translate this email into español?) Watch the video here: Production: DJ lotu5, and The Platform, Videography: DJ Lotu5 DJ No Face Editing by: DJ lotu5 Music: Dezguace, Seco, Labo 03 Social Center sequences - The Platform Deleuze intro - Nortec Collective Málaga sequence - The Postal Service # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: majordomo AT and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: nettime AT |
- [Cc-es] [Fwd: <nettime> [rough cut] Okupa! Autonomy and Autogestion in Social Centers in], Jennifer A. De Beer, 11/21/2006
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