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- From: Elliott Bledsoe <e.bledsoe AT>
- To: " mailing list" <cc-au AT>
- Subject: Re: [cc-au] copyright council
- Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:55:51 +1000
Title: Re: [cc-au] copyright council
to clarify, this is an open list that any member can post to. this does not automatically mean that the views expressed are those of creative commons australia, or that we endorse the content published to this list. that said, any information that gets people thinking about how to manage their rights, whether that be “all rights” or “some rights”, is encouraged by creative commons australia.
the arc centre of excellence for creative industries and innovation and creative commons australia are not affiliated with the australian copyright council. we do not receive any financial support from them. we are funded by the australian research council.
elliott bledsoe
project officer

part of the Creative Commons worldwide initiative
+61 7 3138 9597
elliott AT
my cc blog:

Research into Creative Commons in Australia is funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation under the ccClinic and the CC and Open Content Licensing (OCL) Models research program.
on 11/3/08 5:37 AM, "Jamison Young" <jam AT> wrote:
> == Australian Copyright Council "copyright training" sessions ==
> <>
> These courses are held in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth,
> Melbourne, Sydney.
Keep in mind that Brett Cottle chief executive of APRA is on the
board of the copyright council.
APRA represent the rights of the major publishers via way of the
voting structure they have in place. For every 500 dollars that an
artist or publisher collect they receive an extra vote. My view is
that none of the people on the board of the copyright council
(meaning the organizations that those on the board represent when
they make a vote) stand to gain from more art being distributed under
any creative commons license. I have not checked out what was written
this year, yet what i read last year was extremely negative about CC.
Its worth checking out what the copyright council say about creative
commons prior to paying some dollars out to hear what the copyright
council have ready to serve you up.
The copyright council is funded through the arts council, most
automatically form the view therefore that this organization is here
to represent the interests of artists. My view is that like APRA the
copyright council is another front for the publishing industry.
Not sure why is asking people on this list to pay? Is
funded through the some source?
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[cc-au] copyright council,
Jamison Young, 03/10/2008
- Re: [cc-au] copyright council, Elliott Bledsoe, 03/10/2008
- Re: [cc-au] copyright council, Brianna Laugher, 03/10/2008
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
[cc-au] copyright council,
Rachel Cobcroft, 03/10/2008
- Re: [cc-au] copyright council, Derek Whitehead, 03/10/2008
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