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- From: Gui <guillermor_ar AT>
- To: baslinux AT
- Subject: [BL] UMSDOS installation
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:39:51 -0300 (ART)
If I make a folder named /linux in a fat disk, then I promote it with:
umssync /hd/linux then I continue with the standard bas2hd method:
mount (-t umsdos)? /dev/xxx /hd
cp /anywhere/bas-hd.tgz /tmp
cp /anywhere/go /tmp
Can I have an umsdos hd-installation?
I've tried doing a standard hd-installation and then I've copied all stuff in the ext2 partition to an DOS partition (into a folder named linux previously umssync promoted) Then I arrange boot.bat with the new image.....It works!!! But / is in the original placemente (i.e /dev/hdc2) where I had installed previously the ext2 version so if I type mount it said
/dev/hdc2 / etc,etc instead /dev/hdc5 / etc etc It was the only strange thing I've noted...
Thanks in advance

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- [BL] UMSDOS installation, Gui, 04/26/2004
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