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  • From: AMK Judaica <amkjudaica AT>
  • To: Hebrew List <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] meteg
  • Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 11:50:36 -0500


i can't recall (and i can't check now), but does non-tiberian vocalization
have a meteg?

kol tuv,
ari kinsberg
> From: yodan AT> To: b-hebrew AT> Date: Tue, 30 Dec
> 2008 08:43:03 -0800> Subject: [b-hebrew] meteg> > I'm not sure if this is
> the kind of question that is of interest to this> group, but perhaps some
> of you know the answer.> > > > I'd like to find out if anyone knows the
> origin of (who started using it),> or reason for (the relationship between
> the actual meaning and its use in> reading the Biblical text), of the term
> "meteg". > > > > To the best of my knowledge, it wasn't used by the
> Masoretes who "gave us"> the meteg, which they called ga'ya (literally,
> "mooing", meaning raising the> voice). Other names for the same trope are
> ma'amid (making it stand in its> place) and ma'arikh (prolonging). > > > >
> Meteg has been and is continued to be used by Ashkenazim and is also in>
> modern Hebrew. But does anyone know how this term started being used? > > >
> > While the names "ga'ya", "ma'amid", and "ma'arikh" allude to the>
> role/function of what is also called "meteg", the reason for the name
> meteg> is less obvious to me. > > > > In the Tanakh, a meteg (Proverb 26:3
> ) means "bridle" that's used for a> donkey. > > > > Does anyone know
> (preferably providing references, if possible) if a meteg> is called meteg
> because:> > - It looks like the little metal bar that (according to Even>
> Shoshan's dictionary) is placed on the harness or whatever a donkey-driver>
> places on a donkey? (so it's just a matter of the shape?)> > OR> > - Its
> role in Torah-reading is somehow related to "harnessing" or> "guiding" or
> whatever a bridle does to a donkey?> > > > Perhaps there are other reasons
> for the name meteg. > > > > Thanks in advance,> > > > Rivka Sherman-Gold> >
> > > > > _______________________________________________> b-hebrew mailing
> list> b-hebrew AT>
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  • [b-hebrew] meteg, Yodan, 12/30/2008
    • Re: [b-hebrew] meteg, AMK Judaica, 12/30/2008

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