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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] The root BR)

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  • From: Isaac Fried <if AT>
  • To: <pporta AT>
  • Cc: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] The root BR)
  • Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:52:08 -0400


There is an even earlier such case in Genesis 1: 26 where Elohim is saying NA-(AS-EH )ADAM B-CALM-ENU KI-DM-UT-ENU, but this is clearly in a consultative mood for speaking [so to speak] to his agents. Such is also the case in Genesis 11:7. After the fact it reverts to the singular: (ASAH, WA-YI-BRA), WA-YI-CER, WA-YAPEC, BALAL, etc.
Yaakov Stein's citation of Genesis 20:13 H-IT(-U )OTIY ELOHIM is a greater challenge but I think that here Abraham is politely referring to his and )ABIMELEK's gods.

Isaac Fried, Boston University

On Apr 28, 2008, at 12:06 AM, <pporta AT> wrote:

Do you know an instance in the HB where an act of God [Elohim] is
said in the plural?

Isaac Fried, Boston University


I know one, Isaac.

Gn 11:7: "N"RDFH W:NFB:LFH"
Let Us go down and let Us confuse...
(God speaks, look at the first two words in 11:6; and compare with the verbal forms in 11:4 where they clearly refer to "we, a plurality of people")


Pere Porta
Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

On Apr 27, 2008, at 2:26 AM, Yaakov Stein wrote:

If the yod in BOR)-EY-KA is a scribal error, then it is 'Creator'.

Or if it is the divine plural, like Elohim
which comes just before BR) in the first use of either.

Yaakov (J) Stein

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