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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Object of "lamo" in Isaiah 53

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  • From: ben.crick AT (Ben Crick)
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Object of "lamo" in Isaiah 53
  • Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 16:48:11 +0000

On Thu 28 Jun 2007 (06:51:05), bmeltzer1243 AT wrote:
> The term "mi pesha ami nega lamo" in Isaiah 53:8 is usually translated
> as: "from the transgressions of my people, a plague befell them
> (lamo)." The "them" is usually understood to be the servant i.e.
> Israel. However, I've seen a few people suggest that this refers to
> the Gentiles or nation rather than the servant.

Dear Bruce,

MiPPe$a` ... LaMoW is interesting. The MiN in MiPPe$a` is the MiN of
cause - "Because of the rebellion of My people...".

LaMoW (in pause with soph pasuq) is L:MoW, a poetical form for
either LoW or LaHeM. This yields two possibilities:
1. Singular LoW was he stricken (RV text), emphasizing the vicarious
role of the Servant;
2. Plural LaHeM [the people] to whom the stroke was due (RV margin),
emphasizing the guilt of the people.
The RV margin also adds "Heb. /was the stroke upon him./".

> Grammatically speaking how plausible is this rendition over the conventional
> one? Does the servant as the object of lamo come from the context of Isaiah
> 53 (verses 53:4, 53:10 describing his illness) or is it inferred based on
> the syntax of the verse alone?

The decision is based upon the "number" of LaMoW; but either of the
two possibilities is plausible. The "Suffering Servant" is standing
proxy for "the people" in Isaiah 53; so he takes the rap otherwise due
to the rebellious people. Compare verses 4 and 5.


Revd Ben Crick, BA CF ZFC W
<ben.crick AT>
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