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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Meaning of NBL, was Re: Ps 51:6

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  • From: Isaac Fried <if AT>
  • To: "K Randolph" <kwrandolph AT>
  • Cc: b-hebrew List <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Meaning of NBL, was Re: Ps 51:6
  • Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 23:08:36 -0400


The NEBEL mentioned in Isaiah 30:14 is a large clay cask. The NIBLEI $AMAIYM of Iob 38:37 is 'the loftiness of the heavens.' The NEBEL ASOR of Psalms 33:2 is a harp of ten strings. Amos 6:5 has HA-PORTIYM AL PIY NEBEL, and I tend to think that PORTIYM means 'strum.' It is hard for me to imagine ancient Hebrews having a musical instrument as intricate as a bagpipe.

Isaac Fried, Boston University

On May 26, 2007, at 8:08 PM, K Randolph wrote:

NBL, the musical instrument was apparently a type of bagpipe, a rather noisy
instrument. Apparently Nabal had a real set of lungs and lusty voice as an
infant, hence given that name.

The word was also used to refer to a fool as a "windbag", i.e. one who is
all air and nothing behind it. Abigail was using the second meaning as a pun
to assuage David's anger.

As a verb, it means to become flabby, as an empty bag, used of plants when
they lose turgidity they shrivel and droop.

Karl W. Randolph.

On 5/18/07, Isaac Fried <if AT> wrote:


You may be right that "moral system" is somewhat hyperbolic. Yet I
suspect that also NABAL the Carmelite's death (see I Samuel 25:2-38)
was not an accident. By the way, I tend to think that NABAL means
'nobleman', as it is in Arabic. Possibly NEBEL, 'harp?', is an
imposing musical instrument.

Isaac Fried, Boston University

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