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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] WAYYIQTOL/WEYIQTOL/WEQATAL terminology

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  • From: "Yitzhak Sapir" <yitzhaksapir AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] WAYYIQTOL/WEYIQTOL/WEQATAL terminology
  • Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 11:14:08 +0200

On 3/7/07, David Kummerow wrote:

As a sometimes-user of such terms, I'll provide a comment.

I can't speak for others, but I do not use the terms to imply that there
is not some variability in spelling as you say. Since the usual paradigm
root is qtl these days, a quick representation using English characters
of the verbal paradigms using this root is as you've given them. If you
have a better suggestion for formal labels, I'm happy to use them. But
other terminology does start to get cumbersome, eg conjunction + short
prefix verb, etc.

A quick but more accurate representation with the root QTL is:

I would suggest using the root SPR, as it is a complete verb, it is actually
attested in Biblical Hebrew, and it has a P for a BGDKPT (B and P being
the simplest BGDKPT letters to represent in latin characters). Furthermore,
this one P is at the exact place where we would want it -- that is, to
whether it was affected by a vowel in between the first and second root

For the person, I would suggest using second-person to avoid the problem
of the initial Y prefix. For suffix forms, it also allows for an
indication that there
was no lost vowel between the verbal root and suffix. This gives:

The above accurately indicates the differences and similarities of the verbal
paradigm as realized by the Massoretes.

Yitzhak Sapir

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