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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Verbal Aspect (was Tenses - Deut 6:4)

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  • From: "Rolf Furuli" <furuli AT>
  • To: <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Verbal Aspect (was Tenses - Deut 6:4)
  • Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 07:32:25 -0000

Dear David,

I have the following questions:

1) Which verb in Gen 18:11 do you have in mind?

2) What actually is a "complete" action? How is such an action different from a "completed" action?

3) How can we know that the opposition "complete and undifferentiated" versus "incomplete and differentiated" can be applied to Hebrew aspects?

4) Are aspects in all aspectual languages exactly the same, "complete and undifferentiated versus incomplete and differentiated"? How can we know the answer?

Best regards,

Rolf Furuli Ph.D
University of Oslo

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Kummerow" <farmerjoeblo AT>
To: <b-hebrew AT>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 3:23 AM
Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Verbal Aspect (was Tenses - Deut 6:4)

Hi Rolf,

I take it that the perfective :: imperfective opposition is one of
grammatical/inflectional aspect vis-a-vis lexical Aktionsart. Perfective
aspect covers the range of actions conceptualised as complete and
undifferentiated; imperfective aspect covers the range of actions
conceptualised as incomplete and differentiated.

If these definitions are acceptable, the prefix verb in Gen 18:11 would
refer to a perfective action. And in the other references, the suffix
verbs would be used of imperfective actions.

David Kummerow.

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