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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Gen. 2:16-17 :: idiom or clumsy lie

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Subject: Biblical Hebrew Forum

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  • From: "K Randolph" <kwrandolph AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Gen. 2:16-17 :: idiom or clumsy lie
  • Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 17:57:04 -0800


But that is not what the text says. In correctly understanding
Biblical Hebrew, we need to limit ourselves to what the text says.

On 11/29/06, YODAN <yodanco AT> wrote:
How about the meaning "on this day you will become aware of death" -- the
awareness of death that is worse than death itself. This, the awareness of
mortality, is one of the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit.

The text merely says "you shall surely die" nothing more.

It is known that the processes that will eventually cause your death
started the moment you were conceived in your mother's womb, but in
the average person it takes about 70 years to reach their conclusion.
In other words, you are dying from the moment of conception.

The ancients seemed to have this same understanding, in that one of
the words they used for 'man' comes from the concept of 'mortality',
i.e. mortal.

Also in Genesis 5:3 Adam sired a son in his image named Seth. One of
the aspects of Adam at that time was that he was mortal, therefore so
was Seth.

Yours, Karl W. Randolph.

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