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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] YHWH is Aramaic?

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  • From: Shoshanna Walker <rosewalk AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] YHWH is Aramaic?
  • Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:26:29 -0500

No, I was talking about verse 14, where He is answering Moshe's question, what should I tell them, and where Rashi says He is telling Israel that He will be with them.

Verse 12 is just G-d reassuring Moshe, and is not a mention of one of G-d's names.

I just read that actually B'nei Yisrael knew G-d's names and were not asking that, but Moshe was saying that once they accepted him as G-d's emissary, they would want to know which of G-d's attributes He would manifest in the course of redeeming them from Egypt. (Ramban, who answers this question as I wrote previously) So from that perspective, G-d didn't fail to answer Moshe's question.


He is talking to B'nai Yisrael through Moshe - saying He will be with them, not with Moshe. Moshe asked G-d - what should he say to them?

No, not if we are talking about Exodus 3:12. In that verse YHWH says 'EHYEH `IMMAK, "I am/will be with you (singular)", cf. KJV "I will be with thee". This singular "you" must refer to Moses alone, not to the Israelites. There is a change to plural "you" only in the last clause of this verse, "you will worship God on this mountain".

Peter Kirk
E-mail: peter AT

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