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  • From: "Christine Bass" <christinebass AT>
  • To: "Biblical Hebrew" <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: Biblical Humor
  • Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 21:21:27 -0500

I came across this play on Biblical humor today......I could not resist
passing it on. :-)


by Meish Goldish

The story of Purim is an international tale.

King Achashverosh was Finnish with his disobedient wife Vashti.
"You Congo now!" he ordered her. After she had Ghana way, the king's
messengers went
Roman the land to find a new queen.
And India end, the beautiful Esther won the crown.

Meanwhile, Mordechai sat outside the palace, where the
Chile Haman would Czech up on him daily.

"I Haiti you because you refuse to bow to me!" Haman scolded Mordechai.
"USA very stubborn man. You Jews are such Bahamas! If you keep
this up, Denmark my words! I will have all your people killed!
Just Kuwait and see, you Turkey! "

Mordechai went into mourning and tore his clothes-a custom known as Korea.
He urged Esther to plead with the king.
The Jews fasted for three days and grew very Hungary.
Esther approached the king and asked, 'Kenya Belize come
to a banquet I've prepared for you and Haman?"
At the feast, she invited her guests to a second banquet to eat Samoa.

The king asked, "Esther, why Jamaica big meal like this? Just tell me what
you want.
Unto half my United Kingdom will I give you."
Esther replied, "Spain full for me to say this, but Haman is Russian to kill
my people."

Haman's loud Wales could be heard as he carried Honduran this scene.
"Oman!" Haman cried bitterly. "Iraq my brains in an effort to destroy the
But that sneaky Mordechai - Egypt me! "

Haman and his ten sons were hanged and
went immediately to the Netherlands.
And to Sweden the deal, the Jews were allowed
to Polish off the rest of their foes as well.
"You lost your enemies and Uganda friend," the king smiled.

And that is why the Purim story Israeli a miracle. God decided to China
light on His chosen people.

So now, let's celebrate!
Forget all your Syria's business and just he happy!
Serb up some wine and Taiwan on! Happy Purim!!!

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