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anima - [Anima Dance] Oh Beautiful excerpt premiere July 28th

Subject: Anima Dance

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  • From: "Rachel Brooker" <>
  • To: "anima dance" <>
  • Subject: [Anima Dance] Oh Beautiful excerpt premiere July 28th
  • Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 22:49:59 +0200

Hi Everyone-
Enjoyed performing this weekend and seeing those of you who came out. Special thanks for the feedback at Sunday´s show. I´ll be using your thoughts as i continue to work on the piece,

Oh Beautiful: My Patriot Act
which will premiere in excerpted form at the
Das Pumpwerk 100th Anniversary Celebration.
Saturday, July 28th, 7pm (FREE!!)
Das Pumpwerk, 131 Erich-Weinertstr., Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the factory and the opening of this new performance space with an evening of music, dance, theater and film.

As I continue to work on Oh Beautiful, I´d like to get feedback from more of you about your feelings about the US. When you respond please let me know where in the world you´re from, where you´re living, and whether you´d like any quotes I might use in the piece to be credited to you or left anonymous. Please answer the following questions, or respond in a free-form way if you prefer.

1. How do you feel about the United States of America? I´m not looking so much for a political analysis as for emotions, body sensations, anecdotes, memories, images and gut reactions.

2. List three good things about the US. (You are very welcome to list bad things too. For many people the good things are harder to come up with, which makes them especially interesting to me.)

3. Tell me where you´re from, where you´re living, and whether you´d like your name to be used if you are quoted.

4. Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might want to respond.

as always, you can unsubscribe from this list at


p.s. And here, a great friend leading a dance workshop in Berlin:

Liebe Freunde!!!

vom 11. bis 15. Juli 2007 findet auf dem Gelände der BLO Ateliers in Berlin (nähe Ostkreuz, zwischen alten S-Bahn Gleisen...buntcharmant
und sehr einladend) das B-Lock-Festival statt.

Es gibt 4 Tage lang Workshops unterschiedlicher Art.
Nähere Info findet ihr im Anhang
und auf der website:



Ich freue ich mich einen Workshop anzubieten,
der Körper und Raum zum Thema hat
und offen für alle ist!
Das Gelände ist sehr schön und bietet viel Platz zum
tanzen, forschen und improvisieren...drinnen wie draußen!

Die Anmeldung für die Workshops läuft über Alice Masprone,
bitte per email an
oder telefonisch (Mo – Fr 14 – 17h)  unter 0179 / 99 60 748. Anmeldeschluss ist der 9. Juli 07.
(Leute von auswärts können auch auf dem Gelände zu zelten)


Weitere Fragen beantworte ich Euch gern!
Also, ich freue mich auf eine schöne gemeinsame Zeit im Juli!

herzliche Grüsse

  • [Anima Dance] Oh Beautiful excerpt premiere July 28th, Rachel Brooker, 07/03/2007

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