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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Are we involved in this network ?

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  • From: Steve Hart <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Are we involved in this network ?
  • Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 15:02:02 +1300 there is a wide awakening required along with a lot of work to be
done. We need to build models and yes I agree and it is my catch cry
reinforce the credibility of PDC with stronger curricula as Scott Pittman
says too..with Advanced PDCs to build on all specialist areas.

The global energies are infiltrating and dictating all measure of activity.
Here in NZ government depts are in well organised and well designed
disarray..they employ goons specifically for purpose. Creating chaos allows
easy takeover.

The Next Big Step could be one worthwhile avenue supporting. Excellent
governance and Leadership is required. Opposite to what has evolved over
the last 37 years and especially of the last 7. O&L which is inclusive
rather than exclusive, honest rather than commercialising, building commons
and co-operatives and a whole new economic model.

Clinton v Trump..the whole thing is a sideshow. Who moves onto the throne
has already been designed and set. Trump is a sideshow to disguise what is
really going on behind the scenes.

Steve Hart

On 14 October 2016 at 14:28, Lawrence London <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:58 PM, Steve Hart <>
> wrote:
> > LL
> >
> > A brief answer to your comments on this subject. I have been involved
> > through my entire career journey trying to work on the inside in this
> > industry. As an Architect, Landscape Architect and Urban Designer on a
> very
> > wide range of projects for all layers of society in many countries,
> > including research and academia. It is hard work, without much success.
> > After being confused over this and discussing such with others more
> learned
> > in this than myself and realising wider observations and realisations,
> > including much discussion with Teddy Goldsmith I am now convinced there
> is
> > a carefully managed strategic plan for the organisations that we abhore
> to
> > manipulate every entity across the world, infiltrate all our work and
> > manipulate it to their own ends.
> >
> > You may right this off as you freely have
> > done in the past.
> >
> Never did anything of the sort. What is going on in your head?
> OT did you ever buy that bar you were talking about? :-)
> > But, you asked for my response. This organisation that I
> > have highlighted in this debate is a classic example. Ordinarily to the
> > unwashed one would assume it would be automatic to invite Permaculture
> > specialists to offer inputs. Sorry they do not want such. They do not
> want
> > our solutions. Their agendas are very different to ours.
> >
> > Perhaps the "Next Big Step" programme we are evolving will offer some
> > insight into this reality to give us and our future our own strategies
> for
> > intervention and infiltration. Or perhaps we look at quite different
> > strategies and create our own models and pathways. But, it still remains
> ,
> >
> That is encouraging. Stabilizing the public perception of what permaculture
> really is and how it is taught
> using Mollison's 72 hour PDC or preferably a 72 hour advanced PDC could
> form the baseis for a proactive permaculture movement that moves into the
> future bringing along many enthusiastic people. I see great potential here.
> Build communities and make them independent and sovereign as far as
> possible, sustainable and hosting unique local economies that retain income
> generated by entities within.
> Look at the Mondragon concept and that of worker owned corporations..
> > we must become more aware of what our real challenges are and dare i say
> it
> > who our enemies really are and what their agendas and programmes are.
> Steve
> > Hart
> >
> My input in another forum will give you a clear picture of my sentiments
> about the relationship between ordinary working, community-minded folks and
> multinational corporate juggernauts.
> <>
> Listening to Here and Now talk show on public radio now. They just
> interviewed a large scale cotton farmer about the flooding and how he has
> been affected. He was almost in tears. He has an enormous investment in
> land and equipment. The floods have caused widespread, crippling damage to
> his crops. No telliing how much financial loss he will suffer. Asked if he
> would quit farming, he said no, this is my life and I will keep on farming.
> He has gone through hurricanes and associated flooding but he says this is
> just rain and is worse than anything he has been through ever before.
> During the interview he made the comment that "we don't have a voice in
> Washington anymore".
> The doors of the USDA and the FDA have been ripped off the hinges and
> replaced with one of those fancy revolving models.
> I read somewhere that big ag/mulinational agribusiness/chemical-
> pesticide-gmo-biotech-automated-robotics-prescription multinational
> corporate agriculture, specifically Monsanto, Bayer and their accomplices
> in environmental, economic and social destruction won't rest until they
> have rid the world of independent, traditional, small-medium-large farming
> and peasant farmers. I was born in N.C., grew up here, had ancestors who
> farmed in Eastern and Piedmont NC and always thought that our local food
> supply would in great part come from producers within one hundred miles of
> us.
> In the sixties and seventies I cultivated a vision for American
> agriculture. It revolved around a network of independent farms using
> chemical methods but moving toward natural throughout our country. The
> image of big sky and endless acres of fertile permanent farmland came to
> mind.
> Maybe this will come to pass eventually.
> <>
> Do you think this will come to pass with either Donald Trump or Hillary
> Clinton in the White House?
> Well, I know you would prefer Stein and I would prefer Bernie
> but..............
> Considering what is at stake for big agribusiness do you actually think it
> matters who gets elected?
> I hear the fix is in regardless of the outcome. In other words, to answer
> your quesion honestly,
> neither one or it doesn't matter. Cynicism at its best. I will vote
> Democratic because they actually offer some hope, maybe a lot, The
> potential is there and there is a groundswell of interest in local food
> systems and permaculture. Trump offers no hope. Just think about those
> alt-rights backing him and what they are about if you don't believe me.
> I think the period just before Butz, followed by Espey and the same path to
> the present with the Monsanto executive put the system in place. The
> people's voice will not be heard, nor was Bernie's. Example: what kind of
> forces had to be in place to allow widespread pesticide use to the point
> that we almost have no honeybees and no honey on the shelves for less than
> $20 per quart, and get away with it, public outcry ignored completely. Yes
> there are planty of alternative pollinator conservation programs underway
> and renewal of apiaries but look at what has been lost.
> I have always admired and respected the work of all divisions of the USDA.
> They still do excellent work as do the land grant universities,.
> Nevertheless, a huge percentage of government activities has been devoted
> to helping gmo/pesticide/robotic/synthetic NPK agribusiness with much less
> than previously allocated destined for traditional natural local farmers.
> Traditional, local, natural (OK, "organic") food production has been left
> to fend for itself. Adequately financed farms can become successful
> whereas medium income or low income EXPERT gardeners and farmers who know
> what natural agriculture is all about are left wandering in a fog trying to
> gain their fair share of market opportunities and deal with the overburden
> of paperwork and regulations.- they would say find and get to know your
> local farmer and you will realize the quality of the food you purchase from
> him; that it was safe and natural would be an assumed fact.
> There are volumes to be said.about all this.
> <>
> --
> Lawrence F. London, Jr.
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Kia ora Ehoa

[image: Picture]
*Steve Hart*
*Ecology Architect*
*Designer, Teacher, Builder of Ecologically Sustainable Resilient
Environments, through Urban Design, Architecture, Landscape Architecture
and Systems Ecology.​*
Skype: tipenemanawa
Phone: +64 220 75 62 11

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