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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] [OT] My Vision of the Future

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  • From: dhondt <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] [OT] My Vision of the Future
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 20:34:12 +0100

Toby and Lawrence,

In an age where a five year old with a laptop can hack one of your voting computers in minutes and from a fair distance there are quite a few people who do not think it matters at all which way you vote. Clinton was promised the presidency by the super rich, The 50 or so names that own 75 % of all the world and that is what will come to pass come hell or high water.

The election is a show with the script all written and done. Sure, the tension will be kept up until the last moment but the end is already final. It gives the masses of "voters" something to get excited about and way to hang on to their belief they live in a democracy.
I think Trump is there to make people actually happy when Clinton emerges as the winner and it gives her more leeway as a president. Sure she is doing bad things but imagine how much worse Trump would have been...

You probably want to go on believing for it is almost impossible to let go of a belief. Remember the coin tosses that took place in one of the primaries that would decide how many delegates Clinton or Sanders would get? Clinton won all 16 of them. Not completely statistically impossible but only highly unlikely.

IN the mean time both candidates are making money. I received some 60 mails here in Ireland to urgently support Clinton with a donation varying between $1 and $ 250. Trump had just made millions from his cash drive and the danger was high that he would win if the Democrats would do less. She has taken up Sander's way of soliciting grass roots money. If I get tens of mails per day soliciting urgent contributions you can be sure that millions of Americans are actually donating to a billionaire.

We had a joke here during the one before last pope election in the Vatican where Ratsinger was elected eventually. "Do these Cardinals vote by computer? Then we know who the next Pope will be.... George Bush of course."

So we will get Clinton no matter what. And she is already talking about nuclear war with Russia and/or China and that may very well be the end of the world as we have known it. It will most definitely not benefit your friends in Scandinavia, the Ukrain and the Baltic countries and others like me and mine or even you Lawrence.
And she will push for more fracking and approve the "Trade agreements" that are not really about trade but about giving the super corporations free reign over nations. 4 years of that will change the world in ways we can not imagine.


On 30/07/16 01:57, Toby Hemenway wrote:
Unfortunately, in the real world, every vote from a liberal that is not for
Clinton helps Trump, just as Ralph Nader helped put Bush in the White House
in 2000. How sad that voting your conscience creates just the opposite.

Clinton is loathsome. But Trump terrifies me.

But really this is my excuse to share something on a much lighter note:
Lawrence, you will love this. I saw a bumper sticker that had an American
flag shaped like some tentacled beast, and it said

“Cthulhu in 2016. Why settle for the _lesser_ of two evils?”


On Jul 29, 2016, at 5:22 PM, dhondt <> wrote:

On 30/07/16 00:45, Lawrence London wrote:
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 1:59 PM, dhondt <> wrote:

I suppose you don't realize what you choose for Lawrence. I do not doubt
she will be the next president of your country. In that case she may very
well be the last president too.
That's a hell of a note, predictng the demise of the U.S.A.
Are you certain you will survive WW3 that Clinton has already promised to
start without delay once she is president?
And If it comes to that I fully expect to be molten ash here in Europe before
the US goes up in flames.
I know exactly what I am doing voting for her. Would anyne in their right
mond vote for Trump? Do we have much of a choice?
Well, there is the Green Party and Jill Stein. Another woman and someone who
even knows about permaculture and is willing to push that.
And yes if the only choice were Clinton or Trump I would think Trump the
safer choice for the planet.
Not that what I or you wish makes any difference. Clinton was promised the
presidency 8 years ago at the then Bilderberg conference. That is, the 200
richest people in the world making a decision that Clinton now will be
president. I fully expect she will be because of this and all the
puppeteering in the mean time are just to keep the masses amused.
Should we not vote at all? If so I refer you to what Bertold Brecht said
about nonvoters. I don't care to drop out for that litany of
moral rightness reasons. I choose to participate, cast my vote and take my
chances. Did you vote yes on Brexit? Or not vote.
I live in Ireland that has nothing to do with Brexit.
A Democratic win means support for my friends all over Europe and Eastern
Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltics,Ukraine, Turkey, Greece and Georgia.

Do you support this group? You should.
Free Russia Foundation
putin.war “The task of the opposition
now is education and truth. And the truth is that Putin equals war and
crisis.” Boris Nemtsov The idea for this report belongs to Boris Nemtsov.

Your dire, negative armageddon-like prediction and warning leaves me cold.
It smacks of political quackery.
Are you one of the cup half full people or cup half empty ones?

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