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permaculture - RE: [permaculture] Steps Toward an Economy of Permaculture

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: "Michele May" <>
  • To: <>, "'permaculture'" <>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: RE: [permaculture] Steps Toward an Economy of Permaculture
  • Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 10:23:45 -0500

Dear John:

Very nice! I have this sneaking suspicion that some of the more selfish
have organized themselves for better control of the masses as they
consolidate control over resources to profiteer from them, regardless of
the decimation of the earth. The little ones keep fighting trying to
enlist their local government powers yet often find that the local power
has been superceded at the state level in anticipation of the local
discontent to large multinational entities, see Pennsylvania and Ohio
farmers vs. corporate agribusiness for illustration.

Regardless of whether this scarcity theory/lack of cooperativeness type
of sociological phenomenon has Australopithecal ancestry or not, we are
facing a global crisis where you and I can actually see a US economy
controlled and abetting 1 - 2 % of the population with more than 85% of
the nation's wealth. For sakes, look at the Federal Reserve, IMF, and
the World Bank etc. We have SOA is on our soil to create corporate
monsters to terrorize the South Americans into agreeing to have the
large corporations take ownership of and destroy their lands, mining,
ranching, Coca Cola making or farming it.

Seriously, see John Nearing's work. I think you and he would have had a
lot to talk about if you could. Its nerve racking to study the origins
of any human struggle and it is silliness to ignore the overall
consolidation of power over the last two centuries in the US. Our
former US President Abraham Lincoln warned us about what has been
happening. He laid it out as, war to establish debt, fiat money to
manipulate/control credit leading to the demise of an economy for
further control and consolidation. I'd wager the ones behind this are
the ones most psychologically worrisome. I think the word is
sociopathic, see Without Conscience by William O'Hare. There are many
types of sociopaths, he postulates, the ones to which I refer are at top
corporate and governmental levels. Really, think of the Monsanto,
Halliburton appointments that did their "public service" deeds and left
to go back to their companies after some policy on rBGH was ushered
through the FDA or a series of no-bid contracts went to bankrupt, price
gougers with off-shore tax havens, who hired not Americans and not
Iraqis to rebuild the country the US illegally attacked but immigrant
Asians at the cheapest possible wage. Hmmm, I guess I am not a good
little American keeping my eyes & mouth shut and praying for a miracle.
I still cannot believe the figures on the American job losses and the
low of $.69 cents our dollar has fluctuated around. These are
realities. Why do you think bartering is frowned on, no tax collection

BTW: Even those of us in the mental health field; recognize that people
are embedded in systems. One of those systems is the geo-political one
affecting the futures and job markets. People get pretty depressed
being overworked or worse yet being without jobs, insurance, or the
security that they can keep up with the increases in the cost of living.

Maybe we need to teach self-sufficiency in the classrooms along with
health and sex Ed. As a native, it seems this is one cultural key to my
heritage that was denied so that my native ancestors could be subdued
and assimilated and made addicts of the "American Dream." You want to
tell me that wasn't the PLAN!

Someone on this list once wrote about the crushing of the American
farmers during the depression to put down populists, well what about the
numerous European events to accomplish this.

Still Hopeful About Working the Many Circles:


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