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freetds - Re: [freetds] FreeTDS && Sybase's ESQL/C

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  • From: michael.peppler AT
  • To: Matthias.Apitz AT, freetds AT
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] FreeTDS && Sybase's ESQL/C
  • Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 09:52:05 +0200


Replacing the Sybase libs with freetds might work, although the two aren't
fully binary compatible yet (AFAIK).

Have you considered using Ribo to capture the TDS traffic, and/or using the
MDA tables on the server to see which statements are taking too long?


guru AT - 20/04/2006 09:41

Please respond to Matthias.Apitz AT; Please respond to
freetds AT

Sent by: freetds-bounces AT

To: freetds


Subject: [freetds] FreeTDS && Sybase's ESQL/C


This is only some background (and not advertisement :-))
We're a software house in the library market with some big application
build on top of ESQL/C and which is working with Informix, Oracle and
(actualy ASE 12.5.x). We have some serious performance issues with Sybase
and my idea was somehow to easy capture all SQL send over to Sybase
ASE (together with duration and timestamps) to get an idea what are
all these hundred connections at a given moment, when the performance
drop rises, have sent over to ASE.

Searching with Google I have hit FreeTDS and thought that I could
replace Sybase's CT-library, which are shared libs on SunOS or Linux
with the FreeTDS libraries. Sybase's ESQL/C itself is just setup on
top of Sybase's CT-library. It seems that some of the ct_xxxxx
functions are implemented in FreeTDS, but not all...

Do I have the wrong idea or I'm missing something?

Thx in advance


Matthias Apitz / Sisis Informationssysteme GmbH
ein Tochterunternehmen der OCLC PICA B.V. Leiden (NL)
D-82041 Oberhaching, Gruenwalder Weg 28g
Fon: +49 89 / 61308-351, Fax: -399, Mobile +49 170 4527211
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