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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] Full Ordering

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  • From: Jason Flatt <jason AT>
  • To: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] Full Ordering
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 22:33:16 -0800

On Tuesday 06 January 2004 12:11 pm, Paul wrote:
> I've been working on getting the full dependancy tree ordering into
> libdepends. It was more difficult than I thought. However, I /think/ I
> have it done... but it needs extensive testing and I'll be away for
> several days. I have two patches, one to cast, the other to libdepends.
> I'm not sure if they were constructed properly, but I think they should
> work although you'll probably get hunk offset warnings.
> I've done light testing, it seems to not make anything explode, but
> please backup your state packages and depends files before testing thses
> just in case.
> I imagine there are bugs in it since I haven't found many yet. Let me
> know if you find one or notice anything odd.

In the full-order.cast.diff file at about line #64, there is the line:
> echo ".PHONEY : all $all_spells"

Isn't that supposed to be:
> echo ".PHONY : all $all_spells"

PHONY w/o the E? I was unable to locate it anywhere else, so I thought I'd

Jason Flatt (jason @ flattfamily . com)
Father of five (
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