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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>
- To: Grimoire <sm-grimoire AT>, sm-sorcery <sm-sorcery AT>
- Cc:
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery] Version Dependancy
- Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:29:50 -0000
It seems that as our spell base increases, we are starting to get more
more bugs due to version mismatches (doesn't look linear either). It may
be time to add support for versions in. I don't know how much impact
this will have on the spell format. Perhaps none for those who don't use
versions, or perhaps everyone will have to modify their spells. It
depends on exactly what is necessary. There are several questions whos
answers must be agreed upon before we start trying to put this in.
Before I list the questions that pop into my mind, I will explain the
main problem with adding version information. Versioning is not
Let's say we have a spell Foo whos version is 1.3b, and another spell,
Bar that depends on Foo, version 1.3 or later. Is 1.3b after 1.3 or
before? Does the 'b' stand for Beta, or second? I can tell you that it
might be either. The grammar is inconsistent and depends on the project
(and even then projects change versioning systems (think mozilla's
milestones)). Testing for version equality is not a problem. The problem
is version ordering.
Any project using the simple Major.Minor.Patch system is easy. Any
using ReleaseDate is easy. The rest become problematic when attempting
to tell which system is being used.
There are two solutions I can thing of:
a) Only a subset of all versioning system can be used for version
ordering (equality is not a problem), probably the standard (GNU?) and
date, or
b) Every spell that wants stuff to be able to depend on a version of
itself must include a file which has the versions, in order, that it has
gone through.
Solution b is the simplest for the sorcery team. But a is easier for the
gurus and spell writers... I think... since spells that use stupid
versioning are crippled it might be harder.
Now, onto the questions:
1) Do we want more than one version of a spell in a grimoire? It would
be possible to put subdirectories in a spell, one per version supported.
The VERSIONSING file if that's the route we take would be int the top
spell directory.
2) Do we ever want the ability to have two versions of the same spell
installed? If yes, how would this fit with the work being done on
3) Would version based depends be required?
I set up polls in the forums in the sorcery section. I would prefer that
as a medium if you have alternative suggestions. Please vote.
And remember, this is a crosspost. You may just want to use the forum
for small comments.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
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[SM-Sorcery] Version Dependancy,
Dufflebunk, 06/21/2003
[SM-Sorcery] Re: [SM-Grimoire] Version Dependancy,
Robin Cook, 06/22/2003
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] Re: [SM-Grimoire] Version Dependancy, Dufflebunk, 06/23/2003
[SM-Sorcery] Re: [SM-Grimoire] Version Dependancy,
Robin Cook, 06/22/2003
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