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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: "Sergey A. Lipnevich" <sergey AT>
- To: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>
- Cc: sm-discuss <sm-discuss AT>
- Cc: sm-sorcery <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] SECURITY ISSUE
- Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 12:49:31 -0500
For three seconds I was seriously considering a murder, thinking of some excruciating reply text to this as a starting point... You got me so easily I can't believe it!
Dufflebunk wrote:
A masive trojan has been discovered in bash v2.05b. It allows remote
access to any machine via bash's /dev/tcp virtual devices if your eth0
is connected to the internet. There is, of course, a blurb on
securityfocus and bugtraq, but I'm too lazy to find it.
Since GNU seems to be as slow as usual, the sorcery team is planning on
accelerating out rewrite schedule and starting today. We have decided to
rewrite in C# as it has the portability, low level, and network
facilities that we require.
SM-Sorcery mailing list
SM-Sorcery AT
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] SECURITY ISSUE, Sergey A. Lipnevich, 04/01/2003
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