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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] cvs urls: any way to update downloaded sources?

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  • From: "Sergey A. Lipnevich" <sergeyli AT>
  • To: Wolfgang Scheicher <worf AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] cvs urls: any way to update downloaded sources?
  • Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 14:28:49 -0500

May I suggest that you look at the httpd-dev spell? It uses $VERSION to generate the CVS tag name and then download the actual code into a $SOURCE file bearing the $VERSION in the name.
If you always need HEAD revisions, you will need to use FORCE_DOWNLOAD. The spell "horde" that is my work in progress to allow both release tarballs and CVS sources be used in one spell depending on configuration, may be of interest. I'd appreciate any feedback on the construction of this spell. Thanks!


Wolfgang Scheicher wrote:

i tried to use cvs for a spell now.
as far as i can tell summon does download the sources fine, and does a tarball. so far so good.

but when i do summon on a later time, it just detects that the sources are there, and does nothing. but imho it should (maybe optionally) uncompress the old sources and do a update and compress them again!

i currently have whole kde from cvs in a dir, and when i update, i of course don't download everything again, but only update the sources.

what to do with the partially compiled binaries i do not know.
when manually doing all that i can try just a new make && make install, and decide on failure if i try again from the beginning of BUILD - but that's a other story. downloading is the slowest part, and that part is well defined imho. it should reuse the sources!


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