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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]scribe is still acting up with the --bzip switch

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  • From: "Simon Middleton" <simon AT>
  • To: <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]scribe is still acting up with the --bzip switch
  • Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 19:39:54 -0000

> Bah. Perhaps it want's the --bzip after the -c... hmmm

I think it will accept --bzip -z -v -f, ie it seems like if you give a long
form then it needs the others separated by whitespace.

However to add to the fun the tar --help output and man details are out of
sync on my system - don't know if it's really like that or whether it is a
dodgy install.

--help says use --bzip2, --bunzip2 or -y
man page says use --bzip, -j or -I

It looks to me like they are all supported except -j and -I.

They also both say that --use-compress-program works.

Bearing in mind the problem of updating from the old version I think maybe
using --use might be the best.

-- Simon

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