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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Re: CVS: sourcemage/sorcery/usr/sbin scribe,1.12,1.13

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  • From: Sergey A Lipnevich <sergeyli AT>
  • To: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Re: CVS: sourcemage/sorcery/usr/sbin scribe,1.12,1.13
  • Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 19:23:57 -0400

Well, I'm in the wrong mood today, so I'd defend bash. Java doesn't have destructors, Python has requirements for whitespace placement, Perl has outrageously bad documentation (IMO), C++ (my favorite) you have to compile... And only Bash has all the beauty of the world in it except for one small thorn: $IFS. What we're discussing is really the proper use of tools at hand.

Ryan Abrams wrote:

Oh.. i understand the reasoning behind the pipes. I just find the lack of language stability disturbing in the extreme. A for loop is something I consider a given.. all these bash workarounds, while they work, can't be speedy, and can't be good for clean, obvious code. I enjoy pipes in everyday stuff.. but not in a large coding project as a workaround to basic structure and flow control.

That said, if you can explain to me why "while read i; do ...; done < echo <list>" is actually better than "for i in <list>; do ...; done" I would love to hear it.

Oh, and i didn't code most of libcodex. Nathan Doss gets that honor. I just use it in scribe, and tweaked libcodex as needed. But yeah, it seems to pass values the correct way.

I guess I am just getting tired of this crazy "spit an bubblegum" feel to the code, which is really do to all the myriad of crazy bashisms. I would rather have something clean, fast, and obvious.


On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 06:04 PM, Sergey A Lipnevich wrote:

I'd say, learn to appreciate the value of what you have before you abandon it, but that's orthogonal to this discussion ;-). These are not crazy pipes, these are necessary precations against spaces in strings you get/pass through stdout. Explicit use of read makes one aware of the fact that items can /only/ be separated with newlines, not anything else. There's no environment passing from inside the loop, is inconvenient. But guess what, you coded libcodex to pass values via stdout, not via vars, which is the right way to do things in bash I guess. After having used the pipes, I find them more elegant then straightforward `for' ;-).
So, I'd say your logical decision should be not "screw bash", but "screw global env vars as function results". A noble goal for 2.0, BTW :-).

Ryan Abrams wrote:


In all honesty, I didn't follow the $IFS discussion much, if at all. That said, I understand the concept and concede the point. In my defense, scribe is completely separate from the things that seem to cause the issues... scribe is rarely called from anywhere else in sorcery (except system-update). This doesn't excuse the coding style (which I was unaware of), but it does mean it is less likely a problem. Still, feel free to correct the work. I just wanted to get it in there asap. Heck, the three new functions are all pretty much standalone except for calling codex_add_grimoire.

On a related note, if the whole $IFS thing is what i think it is, it means we cannot even rely on basic programming constructs in bash. Instead we have to generate a list, then do crazy pipes to get things filtered through read to separate them. Thats insanity, and if that is the case then bash has got to go.


On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 03:58 PM, Sergey A Lipnevich wrote:


May I ask you to refrain from using "for i in <list>" construct when <list> is a multi-line entity, for example the output of `codex_get_all_grimoires`? You can use "echo <list> | while read i; do ...; done" or "while read i; do ...; done < echo <list>" instead, whichever you prefer, but please don't count on $IFS implicitly, or on the fact that lines in the <list> don't have whitespace. I daresay current "libcodex" may be a good example now that I cut out all $IFS-dependent stuff. Since you seem to be passing return values using "echo" instead of assigning global env variables, this must be a really easy change.


rabrams AT wrote:

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