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sm-sorcery - [SM-Sorcery]Re: update_spell script revisited

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  • From: Sergey A Lipnevich <sergeyli AT>
  • To: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT, sm-grimoire AT
  • Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Re: update_spell script revisited
  • Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:15:02 -0400

Went right in :-). Thanks!

Dufflebunk wrote:

Good stuff! I've been a little pressed for time so I haven't had time to update any of the util scripts :( By all means commit it! If you or anyone else updates any of the other scripts feel free to comit the changes, that's what the CVS section is for. :)

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Sergey A Lipnevich wrote:


I took your update_spell script a week or two ago, and rewrote it "a little" ;-), so that the following gives all the spells correct MD5 now (MD5[0] only) when I'm in my section's folder in CVS repo:
for d in */DETAILS; do echo $d; ~/smgl-cvs/sourcemage/utilities/spell_update/ $d -m -s; done

"-s" means "rename given file and save updated contents instead of it". It also uses `dl_source` from sorcery for downloads, so that later it's going to be easy to expand on SOURCEx properties, I hope. And it detects the cases where file's not present or not recogized by `file' as compressed. I also reformatted it to the sorcery indentation standard, so diff to previous doesn't make any sense now :-(.
Would you mind if I commit this to CVS?


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