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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Sergey A Lipnevich <sergeyli AT>
- To: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>
- Cc: Aaron Brice <abrice2 AT>, sm-sorcery AT
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS
- Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:01:44 -0400
Now you're talking :-)! $IFS is in twelve files only, according to grep, so it shouldn't be impossible to fix ;-). I don't promise I'll succeed, but I'll try.
Dufflebunk wrote:
I suppose it's possible to borrow a chapter from functional programming
and pass functions around:
function fs_for() {
local _func=$1
local _fieldSep=$'\n'
if [[ $1 == with ]] ; then
[[ $1 ]] && _fieldSep=$1 && shift
while read -r -d ${_fieldSep} ; do
${_func} $* $REPLY done
Then you would use it:
blahb lbha blha some code...
function itterate()
echo "Here is a line: $1";
fs_for "itterate" < filename
more code...
function itterate()
echo "Here is a word: $2 ($1)"
fs_for "itterate" with " " "with an arg" < filename
The second would chop it up by spaces (newlines with no space isn't good
enough), and would print "Here is a word <insert word> (with an arg)".
The functions itterate are not defined outside the { } that it is
enclosed in.
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 03:11, Aaron Brice wrote:
One alternative:Alternative II:
Old way (from satisfy_depends):
for LINE in `search_depends_status "$SPELL" ".*"`; do
DATA=`search_depends_status "$SPELL" ".*"`
DATALENGTH=`echo "$DATA" | wc -l`
while (( $i <= $DATALENGTH )); do
LINE=`echo "$DATA" | head -n $i | tail -n 1`
LINE=$1 #or just use $1 instead...
search_depends_status "$SPELL" ".*" | fs_for itterate
More overhead, but no IFS needed.No IFS. Less overhead than using tail and head together (sed could be
used one insead of tail and head) since fs_for uses only builtins.
BTW, fs_for stands for Field Separator for.
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 21:31, Sergey A. Lipnevich wrote:
You seem to be missing my point. It's not /my/ code that I'm talking about, it's sorcery. And your solution does not work for 100% cases, as I have described below. It worked about four days ago for this part of code, then something's got changed, and it doesn't work anymore. Sorcery will keep bumping into $IFS whenever new code is introduced. If for instance awk can't be used to call a bash function, or some other way is invented to deal with this, I'd say $IFS will become a constant nightmare, as it happened to Nick ;-).
E.g., consider this pice (takes place in libdepends):
for i in file-with-lines-with-spaces; do
do stuff
Isn't it a bad hack?
One thing is clear from your answer: there's no way to reset $IFS to whatever we need and keep it this way. So I'd say we try and find the way to never touch $IFS at all, if at all possible.
Dufflebunk wrote:
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 19:34, Sergey A Lipnevich wrote:_______________________________________________
Hi All,That should be a tab usualy.
Current sorcery again doesn't recognize the optional_depends, but in a subtle way. When the hash of these dependencies is converted into contents of $OPT, libdepends::satisfy_depends checks if the spell exists, and doesn't find it, so the spell is removed from hash. The reson for this is that in libcodex::codex_get_all_grimoires, the grimoire directories in the output are separated by ${IFS:1:1}, which appears to be either empty or something undesireable. I tried to fix
this but finally realized that handling of $IFS in sorcery is going to become worse with time unless we stop changing its contents. I don't have a specific way out, but maybe we can get generate some smart ideas. Case a) it's the safest solution to leave $IFS alone, but parsing multiple line-files with `for' is not going to work, because usually such files contain spaces. Case b) If we reset $IFS to `<enter>' or `<enter><space><tab>' for the entire duration of sorcery commands, there's a danger that we will not be able to get it back to the original value if some kind of problem occurs and the sorcery is terminated (can signal handling help here?).This is a bad idea as function arguments are also found using the IFS.
In case a), is it possible to run a line-editor like sed or awk, and call sorcery methods from there, instead of using `for i in <multi-line-file>; do...'?That's a no-go. There may be instances where sections of code can be
replaced by sed and awk, but unfortunatly that's it.
Ideas?If you need to go line by line, pad the for statement with IFS changers:
local oldIFS=$IFS
for line in $SOME_FILE ; do
That the bast way I've found so far.
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Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS
, (continued)
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Nick Jennings, 10/17/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS, Sergey A. Lipnevich, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Dufflebunk, 10/17/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Sergey A. Lipnevich, 10/18/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS, Dufflebunk, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Nick Jennings, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Jens Laas, 10/18/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS, Sergey A Lipnevich, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Jens Laas, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Aaron Brice, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Dufflebunk, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Sergey A Lipnevich, 10/18/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS, Dufflebunk, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Sergey A Lipnevich, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Dufflebunk, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Sergey A. Lipnevich, 10/18/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery]handling of $IFS,
Nick Jennings, 10/17/2002
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