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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
- To: njennings AT, sm-sorcery AT
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Stepping Back
- Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 12:35:03 -0500
So I think we have the configure / depends swap sorted out. It wasnt as smooth as I would like, but it seems to be working in cvs now (save for a probably unrelated depends bug)
In any case, I am going to step back from sorcery coding for a while. A friend pointed out that it has been distracting me from what I should be doing, and really ends up hurting the whole project. And he's right.
I am going to assign my purely sorcery code related bugs back to nick (or two the sorcery-bugs list when its ready)
I am going to focus on five things (yeah, i know.. thats a lot of stuff to focus on.;P):
1) the constitution
2) getting a solid install / iso team built. (Adam has just temporarily given up crypto to work on the ISO, and I want to offer support by having something to /put/ on it. ;P)
3) server side stuff
4) General project management. It isnt as much fun as diving in to code.. but it needs to be done, and thats my role, so I will play it. :)
5) Scribe. This is the /only/ part of sorcery I will mess with code wise, because its something i put in there in the first place. I am going to do a few things to it, then leave it. Here are those things:
a) Remove disabled features from all the help files and such. Scribe for 1.0 will simply be add, remove, and update.
b) add in a repair option. If someone tries to update and no metadata is found, it should ask them if they want to repair it, and offer a way to do so. this is pretty simple, but will be /very/ useful.
Thats it.
So, Nick, I leave it in your very capable hands. Do as you will to get sorcery to 1.0 quality.
- [SM-Sorcery]Stepping Back, Ryan Abrams, 09/14/2002
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