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[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released
- From: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
- To: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
- Cc: sm-discuss AT, sm-sorcery AT, sm-grimoire AT
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released
- Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 19:39:15 -0500
Actually, hold off on the whole thing people. It is not a happy camper if you do it without sustain.
If you want to upgrade, grab<branch>.tar.bz2 and run ./install manually. The spells are fux0red.
p.s. Dont worry.. we will get this sorcery thing right eventually. ;)
On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 07:44 PM, Nick Jennings wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Sorcery version 0.8.1 (1.0 BETA2) has been tagged in CVS and the tarball
should be available on within minutes.
There have been *many* bug fixes, and minor feature enhancements in
numerous areas.
One thing to note, is *DO NOT USE THE 'sorcery' SPELL* (this should
actually have been removed, and should be shortly, but for now, just
be aware). Use 'sorcery-devel' for nightly CVS tarballs or 'sorcery-stable'
for 0.8.1 (and future stable releases).
So the first thing you should do:
# cast -c -r sorcery-stable (or devel)
# sorcery update
- System Account Management:
One of the major new features is the introduction of the System Account
management for spells to create the accounts they need.
Some of you may recall me asking for lists of accounts needed by
spells some time ago, I've generated a system (hasn't been tested
much <grin>) in /etc/sorcery/accounts & /etc/sorcery/groups.
The function (in libgrimoire) for spells to use is:
create_account <account_name>
If the account is registered in the accounts file, the account will
be created with the UID assigned to it. This will ensure that spell
accounts will not interfere with user-space UID's (1000+), and that
the UID/GID's will be the same across systems.
Guru's update your spells in devel (but don't advance it into
testing, or stable, because sorcery 0.8.x is only in devel).
So, there you have it, test away.
Release Notes will be put up later tonight (no time right now) and
you will be able to get them here:
Thanks for all your help (i.e. testing and bug reports), and (as always)
special thanks to the Sorcery Team (and our honorary member Ryan Abrams :)
for all of the hard work.
Nick Jennings
Sorcery Team Lead
SM-Grimoire mailing list
SM-Grimoire AT
[SM-Sorcery]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released,
Nick Jennings, 09/10/2002
- [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released, Ryan Abrams, 09/10/2002
[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released,
Ryan Abrams, 09/10/2002
[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released,
Ryan Abrams, 09/10/2002
- [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released, Nick Jennings, 09/11/2002
[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] Re: [SM-Grimoire]ANNOUNCEMENT: Sorcery 0.8.1 Released,
Ryan Abrams, 09/10/2002
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