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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
- To: sm-sorcery AT
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]sorcery update
- Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 10:46:06 -0700
We are in the middle of determining what direction we are going to
go to fix the core of this problem. 0.8.1 should be allot better, no
matter which way we decide.
Remember, just because your track sorcery (s)table, doesn't mean you
should expect stability right now. Because it's only in the devel
grimoire, and this is a BETA release of sorcery 1.0
Thanks for the feedback though, we are aware of the problem and hope
to have the fix in place shortly :)
On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 10:14:42AM -0700, Andrew wrote:
> sorcery update seems to do a rather nice job of breaking my system right
> now. Whenever I run it, it dispel's my existing sorcery, _then_ tries
> to use summon to download the new version, but wait! it just dispeled
> itself. that pretty much sets things into a loop complaining that summon
> doesnt exist. This isnt right. I know theres work being done to correct
> the whole sorcery stable/devel thing what do i do in the meantime? as of
> right now 'sorcery' configured for devel is installed, gaze installed
> sorcery says no, but gaze installed says yes if you look at the end of
> the list...that cant be right either. Sorry to add more to the stress
> level around here but this is getting annoying.
> as a workaround i do:
> scribe update
> cast sorcery
> sorcery queue
> cast --queue
> this seems to give me the same results.
> _______________________________________________
> SM-Sorcery mailing list
> SM-Sorcery AT
[SM-Sorcery]sorcery update,
Andrew, 09/10/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]sorcery update, Ryan Abrams, 09/10/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery]sorcery update, Nick Jennings, 09/10/2002
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