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[SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] So much time, so little to do. Hold it. Scratch That. Reverse it. OK.
- From: Jason Flatt <jasonflatt AT>
- To: "Ryan Abrams" <rabrams AT>, "Source Mage Discuss" <sm-discuss AT>
- Cc: <sm-grimoire AT>, <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] So much time, so little to do. Hold it. Scratch That. Reverse it. OK.
- Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 10:11:40 -0700
On Friday 09 August 2002 10:00 pm, Ryan Abrams wrote:
> 3) Meetings. The meetings got all screwed up around the July 4th holiday.
> This is intended to get them started again. There will be a meeting EVERY
> SUNDAY at 6pm GMT. This means that when it is 6pm in London, the meeting
> starts. Meetings are held on channel #smgl-admin.
> Attendance will be recorded, logs will be posted, and things will be
> decided. If you are not there and haven't given advance notice of missing
> it, decisions will be made without you. So be there.
Well, as that equals 11:00 AM my time and church starts at 10:30 AM, I will
probably not be available for most meetings. As I don't really contribute a
lot more than noise, I'm sure it won't be a big loss, and I will do my best
to keep up via the logs.
> 4) Team members. Several team members are MIA. To figure out who exists and
> who doesn't, All team members have been placed on "unknown" status. Any
> team member who lets me know they are still involved within 2 weeks will be
> taken off unknown status. Anyone who doesn't will be removed from the
> roster. We need to know where we stand.
> I know we have done this before, in a bit more detail. This is just a
> "renewal" so to speak.
> At the end of this 2 week period, I will submit the list of
> email addresses to ibiblio for creation. These addresses will be in a
> standard format of <firstinitial><lastname> (I.e.
> rabrams AT - Please include this information in your "i'm
> alive" email, incase it isn't in your check in email from ages back.
As I'm not really sure what you're asking for here, I will attempt to cover
all bases:
Name: Jason Flatt
Section: printer
Nick: Oadae
E-mails: jasonflatt AT, jason AT, jason AT
SMGL E-mail: jflatt AT
Status: Active! In the middle of rebuilding my system w/20020701 ISO
creating several (five!) test beds for printer section testing to flesh out
deps and related issues.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
Your welcome!
Jason Flatt
E-mail (remove the spaces): jasonflatt @ wizard . com
Voice: +1 702 870 6622
Fax: +1 702 870 3883
Snail Mail: PO Box 44265, Las Vegas, NV 89116-2265, USA
[SM-Sorcery]So much time, so little to do. Hold it. Scratch That. Reverse it. OK.,
Ryan Abrams, 08/10/2002
- [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] So much time, so little to do. Hold it. Scratch That. Reverse it. OK., Jason Flatt, 08/16/2002
- [SM-Sorcery]Re: [SM-Discuss] So much time, so little to do. Hold it. Scratch That. Reverse it. OK., Jon Svendsen, 08/16/2002
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