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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] smgl talk in bonn, english version, RFC

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  • From: Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] smgl talk in bonn, english version, RFC
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 12:27:18 +0200

Am Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:04:23 +0200
schrieb Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum AT>:

> Am Tue, 22 Jul 2008 17:33:38 +0200
> schrieb Jaka Kranjc <smgl AT>:
> > I don't really
> > understand german, so I can't comment the contents further.

So, I went on and translated the thing into english, current LaTeX
state is onäge/

and a resulting PDF is to be found here:

I extended it only marginally -- so please give me some pointers to
additional info to include, stuff to correct...
Patches are also welcome;-)

Ideas I already have:
- add \ifgeek for showing example spell code (one dimple DETAILS-only
spell, one spell with non-standard install)
- add some color via Tux, GNU gnu, software logos in the noob-introduction
- split up slides for the different distro tools (sorcery, cast, etc.)

Things that I wonder about:
- You have to take care to include the -name in
gaze search -name <something>
...otherwise, a demonstration takes _ages_. Don't we have a
cache/search index solution for DETAILS data fields?
I know that DETAILS is no database but a (turing-complete) script,
but still...

Alrighty then,


PS: How long should the talk be, again?

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