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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] stable-rc prometheus run nearing completion

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  • From: Treeve Jelbert <treeve AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] stable-rc prometheus run nearing completion
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 10:46:15 +0200

On Thursday 01 June 2006 19:47, seth AT wrote:
> stable-rc prometheus run nearing completion... film at eleven.
> After ten days of watching compiles, I'm about 1/2 done triaging bugs and
> prometheus is nearing the end of its run with 90% of the spells done. That
> means it will be done in time for the weekend. I will spend most of
> Saturday triaging the rest of the bugs and based off input from Arwed, I
> will be making a must fix list and a new (much smaller) test list for those
> fixes. Anything you have gotten approval to integrate/want to integrate,
> it must be fixed over this weekend and the early part of next week. If the
> fixes Arwed and I want in are not in, stable release will be delayed, so if
> you are an unlucky soul assigned to fix something, please get on it or I
> will be forced to fix it myself and we'll remember not to assign you
> responsibilities in the future ;)

Can someone please clarify the procedure for me.

There are number of bugs which have been fixed in test and the 'fixed in
branch' flag has been set.
Do i need to also set the 'integ to stable-rc' flag and the actually perform
the 'p4 integ test/xxx/... stable-rc4/xxx/...' myself?

> For those interested, about 10000 compiles were done since each spell was
> attempted to compile at least once (unless its dependencies failed on a
> previous spell cast).
> For the future, now that we have a pretty complete list of "basic" bugs for
> the (future) stable grimoire, I'd like to see us work toward fixing those
> failures. When stable-rc is re-opened, we'll be a lot more (read: very)
> flexible about letting fixes into stable-rc, but for right now, commit
> stuff to test and when stable release happens test automatically becomes
> stable-rc.
> I'll also be running prometheus on that new stable-rc grimoire right away,
> so we should have much better warning of failures than this time. When I
> get any idle time, I'm going to add in a build-on-commit system for test
> grimoire commits -- just to catch the initial problems and act as a simple
> limited regression suite. I am also thinking of ways to parallelize
> prometheus. The parallel prioritization will probably be to 1) find
> different hardware, 2) work on different sections, 3) work on different
> grimoires, 4) work on different prompt answers, but I'm undecided as to how
> this will be done currently.
> Seth
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Regards, Treeve

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