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Subject: Public SourceMage Discussion List
List archive
- From: Update Daemon <afrayedknot AT>
- To: sm-discuss AT
- Subject: [SM-Discuss] Weekly Test Grimoire Update Report
- Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 02:06:20 -0700
Changes to test between 20050918 and 20050925
Version Bumped Spells
clamav 0.86.2 -> 0.87
Version Bumped Spells
libao 0.8.4 -> 0.8.6
openal 20050918 -> 20050925
Bugfixed Spells
mp3burn 0.1
twolame 0.3.3
Version Bumped Spells
xmms2 0.1DR2 -> 0.1DR2.2
Version Bumped Spells
licq-icqnd ->
Bugfixed Spells
lui 1.12.2
Version Bumped Spells
webmin 1.220 -> 1.230
Bugfixed Spells
openldap 2.2.26
pmi 1.0-rc3
New Spells
gpgstats 0.5
Version Bumped Spells
krb5 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2
Bugfixed Spells
hashsum 1.6
sshfs-fuse 1.2
Version Bumped Spells
mdbtools 20050918 -> 20050925
mysql-ruby 2.6.1 -> 2.7
sqlite 3.2.5 -> 3.2.6
Bugfixed Spells
mytop 1.4
New Spells
eclipse-cdt 3.0.0
eclipse-cdt-sdk 3.0.0
eclipse-cdt-testing 3.0.0
Version Bumped Spells
bison 2.0 -> 2.1
bzr 0.0.7 -> 0.0.9
cogito 0.13 -> 0.15.1
git 0.99.4 -> 0.99.7
phpmyadmin 2.6.2 -> 2.6.4-pl1
ruby 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3
Bugfixed Spells
eclipse 3.1
tedia2sql 1.2.8
Version Bumped Spells
eject 2.0.13 -> 2.1.2
lilo 22.7 -> 22.7.1
udev 068 -> 070
Bugfixed Spells
y 0.2.1
Version Bumped Spells
man 1.6a -> 1.6b
Bugfixed Spells
docbook-utils 0.6.14
podviewer 0.09
Version Bumped Spells
e17genmenu 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2
e_modules 20050918 -> cvs
e_utils 20050918 -> cvs
eclair 20050918 -> cvs
eclips 20050918 -> cvs
elapse 20050918 -> cvs
elation 20050918 -> cvs
elicit 20050918 -> cvs
embrace 20050918 -> cvs
engage 20050918 -> cvs
engrave 20050918 -> cvs
enotes 20050918 -> cvs
enscribe 20050918 -> cvs
enterminus 20050918 -> cvs
entice 20050918 -> cvs
entrance 20050918 -> cvs
envision 20050918 -> cvs
eplayer 20050918 -> cvs
epsilon 20050918 -> cvs
equate 20050918 -> cvs
erss 20050918 -> cvs
esmart 20050918 -> cvs
etox 20050918 -> cvs
euphoria 20050918 -> cvs
evfs 20050918 -> cvs
ewl 20050918 -> cvs
ewler 20050918 -> cvs
examine 20050918 -> cvs
express 20050918 -> cvs
iconbar 20050918 -> cvs
Bugfixed Spells
e-emotion 0.0.1
e-profile 0.1
ecore 1.0.0_pre7
edb 1.0.5
edje 0.5.0
eet 0.9.9
embryo 0.9.0
enlightenment-docs 0.16.7
epeg 0.9.0
epplet-base 0.7
eterm 0.9.3
evas 1.0.0_pre13
evidence 0.9.8
evoak cvs
exmms 0.2
imlib 1.9.15
imlib2 1.2.1
imlib2-ruby 0.5.2
imlib2_loaders 1.2.1
libast 0.6.1
redact 0.1.3
New Spells
hunspell 1.1.0
Version Bumped Spells
texmacs ->
tidy 050826 -> 050921
zile 2.2.6 -> 2.2.8
Bugfixed Spells
lyx 1.3.6
vim 6.3
Version Bumped Spells
ed2k-gtk-gui 0.6.3 -> 0.6.4
rtorrent 0.3.3 -> 0.3.4
Version Bumped Spells
libtorrent 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
New Spells
mybudget 0.5
Bugfixed Spells
gnumeric2 1.4.3
myBudget 0.5
Bugfixed Spells
gcc 3.4.4
Version Bumped Spells
gnustep-preferences 20050918 -> 20050925
gnustep-terminal 20050918 -> 20050925
gnustep-textedit 20050918 -> 20050925
Version Bumped Spells
gnustep-prefsmodule 20050918 -> 20050925
New Spells
openclipart 0.17
Version Bumped Spells
blender_cvs 20050918 -> 20050925
comix 0.8 -> 1.0.1
imagemagick 6.2.4-5 -> 6.2.4-6
qcad ->
Bugfixed Spells
gimpshop 2.2.4
springgraph 0.79
Version Bumped Spells
apache-mod_ssl 2.8.22-1.3.33 -> 2.8.24-1.3.33
elinks 0.10.5 -> 0.10.6
firefox 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7
httrack 3.32-2 -> 3.33
mozilla 1.7.11 -> 1.7.12
mozilla-nightly 20050918 -> 20050925
squid 2.5.STABLE10 -> 2.5.STABLE11
w3m 0.4.2 -> 0.5.1
Bugfixed Spells
apache2 2.0.54
links 0.98
links-twibright 2.1pre18
lynx 2.8.5
oba 311
swish-e 2.4.2
yafp 0.1.1
Version Bumped Spells
digikam 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0-beta1
digikamplugins 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0-beta1
kdetv 0.8.7 -> 0.8.8
Bugfixed Spells
kdelibs 3.4.2
kdepim 3.4.2
Version Bumped Spells
slicker 20050918 -> 20050925
New Spells
acx100 0.2.0pre8_plus_fixes_57
Bugfixed Spells
Version Bumped Spells
adns-python 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0
bglibs 1.019 -> 1.027
bluez-libs 2.20 -> 2.21
boost 1_32_0 -> 1_33_0
cddb-py 1.3 -> 1.4
cheetah 0.9.17 -> 0.9.18
clientcookie 0.4.2a -> 1.0.3
clucene 0.8.13 -> 0.9.8
confuse 2.3 -> 2.5
dnspython 1.0.0b3 -> 1.3.4
gnet2 2.0.4 -> 2.0.7
jpgraph 1.9 -> 2.0beta
libextractor 0.5.0 -> 0.5.6a
libnjb 2.1.2 -> 2.2.3
libxml2 2.6.21 -> 2.6.22
pcre 6.3 -> 6.4
Bugfixed Spells
annie 0.5
gnet 1.1.9
libcapsinetwork 0.3.0
libnpconn 0.1
pyao 0.82
pypgsql 2.4
readline 5.0
rx 1.5
tdb 1.0.6
New Spells
gurgitate-mail 1.5.2
Version Bumped Spells
courier 0.52.0 -> 0.52.1
courier-imap 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6
maildrop 1.8.1 -> 2.0.1
Bugfixed Spells
amavisd-new 2.2.1
anomy-sanitizer 1.62
openwebmail 2.41
popfile 0.22.2
thunderbird 1.0.6
yosucker pr71
Bugfixed Spells
cpufreqd 2.0.0-beta4
Version Bumped Spells
eciadsl-synch 20050918 -> 20050925
shorewall 2.4.0 -> 2.4.4
Bugfixed Spells
bsd-finger 0.17
nnetstat v0.1Alpha
status 1.7
New Spells
perl-config 0.1
Bugfixed Spells
XML-Parser-Expat 2.34
acme-bleach 1.12
algorithm-diff 1.1901
appconfig 1.56
archive-zip 1.14
authen-pam 0.15
authen-sasl 2.08
berkeleydb 0.26
bit-vector 6.4
bundle-cpan 1.76
bundle-libnet 1.19
bundle-tk 1.0
cgi-lite 2.02
chart 2.3
class-methodmaker 2.05
compress-bzip2 1.00
compress-zlib 1.36
convert-asn1 0.19
convert-tnef 0.17
convert-uulib 1.051
cpan 1.76
cpan-wait 0.27-2
crypt-blowfish 2.09
crypt-ciphersaber 0.61
crypt-des 2.03
crypt-ecb 1.1-2
crypt-null 1.02
crypt-otp 2.00
crypt-passwd 0.03
crypt-passwdmd5 1.2
crypt-random 1.13
crypt-randpasswd 0.02
crypt-rc4 2.02
crypt-solitaire 2.0
crypt-tea 1.25
crypt-tripledes 0.24
crypt-twofish2 0.06
crypt-unixcrypt 1.0
curses 1.06
data-serializer 0.22
data-showtable 3.3
date-calc 5.3
date-manip 5.42a
date-parse 1.1301
db_file 1.810
dbd-google 0.05
dbd-mysql 2.9004
dbd-pg 1.40
dbd-pgpp 0.04
dbd-sybase 1.05
devel-corestack 1.3
devel-dprof 19990108
devel-leak 0.02
devel-modlist 0.5
devel-ptkdb 1.1086
devel-smallprof 1.11
devel-stacktrace 1.04
devel-symdump 2.03
digest 1.05
digest-hmac 1.01
digest-md5 2.33
digest-nilsimsa 0.06
digest-sha1 2.06
extutils-f77 1.14
file-mmagic 1.22
file-spec 0.90
file-tail 0.98
filter-simple 0.79
filter-util-call 1.30
finance-quote 1.09
font-afm 1.18
gd-graph 1.43
gd-text 0.86
gnupg-interface 0.33
gtk 0.7009
html-format 2.03
html-parser 3.45
html-tableextract 1.08
html-tagset 3.04
html-template 2.6
html-tree 3.18
http-proxyautoconfig 0.1
image-size 2.992
io-socket-ssl 0.95
io-stringy 2.109
io-tty 1.02
ipc-run 0.77
libxml-enno 1.02
lingua-en-numbers 0.01
lingua-ispell 0.07
lingua-preferred 0.2.4
lingua-romana-perligata 0.50
log-channel 0.6
log-dispatch 2.10
lwp 5.76
mail-internet 1.60
mail-pop3client 2.15
mail-sendmail 0.79
md5 2.03
mime-base64 3.05
mime-tools 5.411a
mime-types 1.12
mod_perl 1.29
module-build 0.27_01
mp3-info 1.02
mp3-tag 0.40
net-dns 0.42
net-imap-simple 0.93
net-jabber 1.29
net-ldap 0.2701
net-ping 2.31
net-ssleay 1.25
net-telnet 3.03
net-telnet-cisco 1.10
palm-stdappinfo 1.3.0
params-validate 0.78
parse-recdescent 1.94
parse-yapp 1.05
patchreader 0.9.5
pdl 2.4.0
perl 5.8.6
perl-cgi 3.05
perl-libnet 1.19
perl-snmp 4.1.2
perl-tk 804.027
pod-html 0.04
pod-pom 0.15
queue-base 1.1
regexp-shellish 0.93
rpc-simple 0.5
sdl-sdlpl 1.20.0
sgmlspm 1.03ii
spread-queue 0.4
spread-session 0.4
spreadsheet-writeexcel 0.42
storable 2.08
struct-compare 1.0.1
template-toolkit 2.14
term-progressbar 2.05
term-readkey 2.21
term-readline-gnu 1.14
term-readline-perl 1.0203
term-size 0.2
test-harness 2.30
test-simple 0.47
text-autoformat 1.13
text-balanced 1.95
text-csv_xs 0.23
text-diff 0.35
text-formattable 1.00
text-iconv 1.2
text-reform 1.11
tie-ixhash 1.21
time-hires 1.51
time-modules 2003.0211
time-parsedate 2003.0211
tk-tablematrix 1.2
unicode-string 2.07
unix-syslog 0.99
uri 1.35
vcp 0.3
weakref 0.01
www-gmail 0.01
x-osd 0.7
xml-autowriter 0.38
xml-dom 1.43
xml-dumper 0.67
xml-encoding 1.01
xml-grove 0.46alpha
xml-libxml 1.58
xml-libxml-common 0.13
xml-libxslt 1.53
xml-namespacesupport 1.08
xml-parser-expat 2.34
xml-regexp 0.03
xml-rss 1.02
xml-simple 2.09
xml-stream 1.17
xml-twig 3.16
xml-writer 0.4.2
xml-xpath 1.13
xml-xql 0.68
xml-xsh 1.8.2
xml-xupdate-libxml 0.5.0
Deleted Spells
Acme-Bleach 1.12
Algorithm-Diff 1.15
AppConfig 1.55
Archive-Tar 0.23
Archive-Zip 1.08
Authen-PAM 0.14
Authen-SASL 2.07
BerkeleyDB 0.26
Bit-Vector 6.3
Bundle-CPAN 1.76
Bundle-Tk 800.025
Bundle-libnet 1.17
CGI 3.00
CGI-Lite 2.02
CPAN 1.76
CPAN-WAIT 0.27-2
Chart 2.2
Class-MethodMaker 1.12
Compress-Bzip2 1.00
Compress-Zlib 1.22
Convert-ASN1 0.18
Convert-TNEF 0.17
Convert-UUlib 0.31
Crypt-Blowfish 2.09
Crypt-CipherSaber 0.61
Crypt-DES 2.03
Crypt-ECB 1.1-2
Crypt-NULL 1.02
Crypt-OTP 2.00
Crypt-Passwd 0.03
Crypt-PasswdMD5 1.2
Crypt-RC4 2.02
Crypt-RandPasswd 0.02
Crypt-Random 1.13
Crypt-Solitaire 2.0
Crypt-TEA 1.25
Crypt-TripleDES 0.24
Crypt-Twofish2 0.06
Crypt-UnixCrypt 1.0
Curses 1.06
DBD-Google 0.05
DBD-Pg 1.22
DBD-PgPP 0.04
DBD-Sybase 1.05
DBD-mysql 2.9004
DBI 1.42
DB_File 1.810
Data-Serializer 0.22
Data-ShowTable 3.3
Date-Calc 5.3
Date-Manip 5.42a
Date-Parse 1.1301
Devel-CoreStack 1.3
Devel-DProf 19990108
Devel-Leak 0.02
Devel-Modlist 0.5
Devel-SmallProf 1.11
Devel-StackTrace 1.04
Devel-Symdump 2.03
Devel-ptkdb 1.1086
Digest 1.05
Digest-HMAC 1.01
Digest-MD5 2.33
Digest-Nilsimsa 0.06
Digest-SHA1 2.06
ExtUtils-F77 1.14
File-MMagic 1.20
File-Spec 0.86
File-Tail 0.98
Filter-Simple 0.79
Filter-Util-Call 1.30
Finance-Quote 1.06
Font-AFM 1.18
GD 2.12
GD-Graph 1.43
GD-Text 0.86
GnuPG-Interface 0.33
Gtk 0.7009
HTML-Format 2.03
HTML-Parser 3.45
HTML-TableExtract 1.08
HTML-Tagset 3.03
HTML-Tree 3.18
IO-Socket-SSL 0.95
IO-Stringy 2.109
IO-Tty 1.02
IPC-Run 0.77
Image-Size 2.992
LWP 5.76
Lingua-EN-Numbers 0.01
Lingua-Preferred 0.2.4
Lingua-Romana-Perligata 0.50
Log-Channel 0.6
Log-Dispatch 2.10
MD5 2.03
MIME-Base64 3.00
MIME-Tools 5.411a
MIME-Types 1.12
MP3-Info 1.02
MP3-Tag 0.40
Mail-Internet 1.60
Mail-POP3Client 2.15
Mail-Sendmail 0.79
Module-Build 0.25
Net-DNS 0.42
Net-FTP 1.17
Net-IMAP-Simple 0.93
Net-Jabber 1.29
Net-LDAP 0.2701
Net-Ping 2.31
Net-SNMP 4.1.2
Net-SSLeay 1.25
Net-Server 0.87
Net-Telnet 3.03
PDL 2.4.0
Palm-StdAppInfo 1.3.0
Params-Validate 0.74
Parse-RecDescent 1.94
Parse-Yapp 1.05
PatchReader 0.9.5
Pod-HTML 0.04
Pod-POM 0.15
Queue-Base 1.1
RPC-Simple 0.5
Regexp-Shellish 0.93
SDL-sdlpl 1.20.0
SGMLSpm 1.03ii
Spread-Queue 0.4
Spread-Session 0.4
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel 0.42
Storable 2.08
Struct-Compare 1.0.1
Template-Toolkit 2.13
Term-ProgressBar 2.05
Term-ReadKey 2.21
Term-ReadLine-Gnu 1.14
Term-ReadLine-Perl 1.0203
Term-Size 0.2
Test-Harness 2.30
Test-Simple 0.47
Text-Autoformat 1.12
Text-Balanced 1.95
Text-CSV_XS 0.23
Text-Diff 0.35
Text-FormatTable 1.00
Text-Iconv 1.2
Text-Reform 1.11
Tie-IxHash 1.21
Time-HiRes 1.51
Time-Modules 2003.0211
Time-ParseDate 2003.0211
Tk 800.025
Tk-TableMatrix 1.01
URI 1.27
Unicode-String 2.07
Unix-Syslog 0.99
VCP 0.3
WWW-GMail 0.01
WeakRef 0.01
X-Osd 0.7
XML-AutoWriter 0.38
XML-DOM 1.43
XML-Dumper 0.67
XML-Encoding 1.01
XML-Grove 0.46alpha
XML-LibXML 1.58
XML-LibXML-Common 0.13
XML-LibXSLT 1.53
XML-NamespaceSupport 1.08
XML-RSS 1.02
XML-RegExp 0.03
XML-Simple 2.09
XML-Stream 1.17
XML-Twig 3.11
XML-Writer 0.4.2
XML-XPath 1.13
XML-XQL 0.68
XML-XSH 1.8.2
XML-XUpdate-LibXML 0.5.0
Version Bumped Spells
efax-gtk 3.0.2 -> 3.0.5
Bugfixed Spells
muttprint 0.72c
Version Bumped Spells
stellarium 0.6.2 -> 0.7.1
Bugfixed Spells
nikto 1.35
portsentry 1.2
swatch 3.0.8
thp 0.4.6
Bugfixed Spells
libwhisker 2.2
Version Bumped Spells
emelfm2 0.0.9 -> 0.1.2
Bugfixed Spells
bash 3.0
gentoo 0.11.55
Version Bumped Spells
fakeroot 1.3 -> 1.5.1
Bugfixed Spells
bugcli 05
smgl-ledger 0.06
New Spells
htop 0.5.3
namazu 2.0.14
Version Bumped Spells
autogen 5.6.6 -> 5.7.2
bluez-utils 2.20 -> 2.21
bochs-snapshot 20050915 -> 20050924
clarence 0.2.2 -> 0.4.4
devtodo 0.1.18 -> 0.1.19
dialog 1.0-20040721 -> 1.0-20050911
dmidecode 2.5 -> 2.7
dmx4linux 2.4 -> 2.5
doodle 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
dstat 0.5.7 -> 0.6.1
figlet 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
file-rename-utils 1.1 -> 1.5a
hddtemp 0.3-beta13 -> 0.3-beta14
hercules 2.17.1 -> 3.02
heyu 1.35 -> 1.35_3
hwdata 0.12 -> 0.159
iso-codes 0.47 -> 0.48
lcdproc 0.4.3 -> 0.4.5
less 385 -> 390
lsof 4.75 -> 4.76
mknbi 1.4.2 -> 1.4.4
nbench-byte 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
nss_ldap 238 -> 242
pciutils 2.1.11 -> 2.2.0
pcmciautils 008 -> 010
pyxdg 0.8 -> 0.15
remind 03.00.22 -> 03.00.23
syslinux 3.08 -> 3.11
sysstat 5.1.5 -> 6.0.1
unison 2.10.2 -> 2.13.16
util-linux 2.12q -> 2.12r
x86info 1.13 -> 1.15
Bugfixed Spells
bonnie++ 1.03a
bottlerocket 0.04c
boxes 1.0.1
ccze 0.2.1
cdb 0.75
cmatrix 1.2a
compilercache 1.0.10
console-data 1999.08.29
dbus 0.23.4
default-profile 1.0
desktop-file-utils 0.10
fcrontabs 1.1
gcal 3.01
gps 1.1.0
heyu2 2.0beta.2
lockexec 0.3.1
lxsplit 0.1.1
modutils 2.4.27
nilsimsa 0.2.4
nvparse 5
procinfo 18
psmisc 21.6
rdate 1.5
sloth 1.0.1
stow 1.3.3
time 1.7
upn 1.5
uptimed 0.3.3
usbview 1.0
vlock 1.3
watchdog 5.2
watchfile 0.1
xmbmon 205
yard 2.2
Deleted Spells
fileutils 4.1
hd2u deprecated
sh-utils 2.0
textutils 2.1
Version Bumped Spells
ffmpeg-cvs 20050918 -> 20050925
mlt 20050918 -> 20050925
Bugfixed Spells
mplayer 1.0pre7try2
Version Bumped Spells
fluxbox 0.9.13 -> 0.9.14
sawfish 20050918 -> 20050925
wm2 20050918 -> 20050925
Version Bumped Spells
tomboy 20050918 -> 20050925
transset 20050918 -> 20050925
Bugfixed Spells
gkrellm2 2.2.7
Bugfixed Spells
xfree86 4.5.0
xorg 6.8.2
New Spells
gpgstats 0.5
eclipse-cdt 3.0.0
eclipse-cdt-sdk 3.0.0
eclipse-cdt-testing 3.0.0
hunspell 1.1.0
mybudget 0.5
openclipart 0.17
acx100 0.2.0pre8_plus_fixes_57
gurgitate-mail 1.5.2
perl-config 0.1
htop 0.5.3
namazu 2.0.14
Version Bumped Spells
clamav 0.86.2 -> 0.87
libao 0.8.4 -> 0.8.6
openal 20050918 -> 20050925
xmms2 0.1DR2 -> 0.1DR2.2
licq-icqnd ->
webmin 1.220 -> 1.230
krb5 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2
mdbtools 20050918 -> 20050925
mysql-ruby 2.6.1 -> 2.7
sqlite 3.2.5 -> 3.2.6
bison 2.0 -> 2.1
bzr 0.0.7 -> 0.0.9
cogito 0.13 -> 0.15.1
git 0.99.4 -> 0.99.7
phpmyadmin 2.6.2 -> 2.6.4-pl1
ruby 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3
eject 2.0.13 -> 2.1.2
lilo 22.7 -> 22.7.1
udev 068 -> 070
man 1.6a -> 1.6b
e17genmenu 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2
e_modules 20050918 -> cvs
e_utils 20050918 -> cvs
eclair 20050918 -> cvs
eclips 20050918 -> cvs
elapse 20050918 -> cvs
elation 20050918 -> cvs
elicit 20050918 -> cvs
embrace 20050918 -> cvs
engage 20050918 -> cvs
engrave 20050918 -> cvs
enotes 20050918 -> cvs
enscribe 20050918 -> cvs
enterminus 20050918 -> cvs
entice 20050918 -> cvs
entrance 20050918 -> cvs
envision 20050918 -> cvs
eplayer 20050918 -> cvs
epsilon 20050918 -> cvs
equate 20050918 -> cvs
erss 20050918 -> cvs
esmart 20050918 -> cvs
etox 20050918 -> cvs
euphoria 20050918 -> cvs
evfs 20050918 -> cvs
ewl 20050918 -> cvs
ewler 20050918 -> cvs
examine 20050918 -> cvs
express 20050918 -> cvs
iconbar 20050918 -> cvs
texmacs ->
tidy 050826 -> 050921
zile 2.2.6 -> 2.2.8
ed2k-gtk-gui 0.6.3 -> 0.6.4
rtorrent 0.3.3 -> 0.3.4
libtorrent 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
gnustep-preferences 20050918 -> 20050925
gnustep-terminal 20050918 -> 20050925
gnustep-textedit 20050918 -> 20050925
gnustep-prefsmodule 20050918 -> 20050925
blender_cvs 20050918 -> 20050925
comix 0.8 -> 1.0.1
imagemagick 6.2.4-5 -> 6.2.4-6
qcad ->
apache-mod_ssl 2.8.22-1.3.33 -> 2.8.24-1.3.33
elinks 0.10.5 -> 0.10.6
firefox 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7
httrack 3.32-2 -> 3.33
mozilla 1.7.11 -> 1.7.12
mozilla-nightly 20050918 -> 20050925
squid 2.5.STABLE10 -> 2.5.STABLE11
w3m 0.4.2 -> 0.5.1
digikam 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0-beta1
digikamplugins 0.7.4 -> 0.8.0-beta1
kdetv 0.8.7 -> 0.8.8
slicker 20050918 -> 20050925
adns-python 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0
bglibs 1.019 -> 1.027
bluez-libs 2.20 -> 2.21
boost 1_32_0 -> 1_33_0
cddb-py 1.3 -> 1.4
cheetah 0.9.17 -> 0.9.18
clientcookie 0.4.2a -> 1.0.3
clucene 0.8.13 -> 0.9.8
confuse 2.3 -> 2.5
dnspython 1.0.0b3 -> 1.3.4
gnet2 2.0.4 -> 2.0.7
jpgraph 1.9 -> 2.0beta
libextractor 0.5.0 -> 0.5.6a
libnjb 2.1.2 -> 2.2.3
libxml2 2.6.21 -> 2.6.22
pcre 6.3 -> 6.4
courier 0.52.0 -> 0.52.1
courier-imap 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6
maildrop 1.8.1 -> 2.0.1
eciadsl-synch 20050918 -> 20050925
shorewall 2.4.0 -> 2.4.4
efax-gtk 3.0.2 -> 3.0.5
stellarium 0.6.2 -> 0.7.1
emelfm2 0.0.9 -> 0.1.2
fakeroot 1.3 -> 1.5.1
autogen 5.6.6 -> 5.7.2
bluez-utils 2.20 -> 2.21
bochs-snapshot 20050915 -> 20050924
clarence 0.2.2 -> 0.4.4
devtodo 0.1.18 -> 0.1.19
dialog 1.0-20040721 -> 1.0-20050911
dmidecode 2.5 -> 2.7
dmx4linux 2.4 -> 2.5
doodle 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
dstat 0.5.7 -> 0.6.1
figlet 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
file-rename-utils 1.1 -> 1.5a
hddtemp 0.3-beta13 -> 0.3-beta14
hercules 2.17.1 -> 3.02
heyu 1.35 -> 1.35_3
hwdata 0.12 -> 0.159
iso-codes 0.47 -> 0.48
lcdproc 0.4.3 -> 0.4.5
less 385 -> 390
lsof 4.75 -> 4.76
mknbi 1.4.2 -> 1.4.4
nbench-byte 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
nss_ldap 238 -> 242
pciutils 2.1.11 -> 2.2.0
pcmciautils 008 -> 010
pyxdg 0.8 -> 0.15
remind 03.00.22 -> 03.00.23
syslinux 3.08 -> 3.11
sysstat 5.1.5 -> 6.0.1
unison 2.10.2 -> 2.13.16
util-linux 2.12q -> 2.12r
x86info 1.13 -> 1.15
ffmpeg-cvs 20050918 -> 20050925
mlt 20050918 -> 20050925
fluxbox 0.9.13 -> 0.9.14
sawfish 20050918 -> 20050925
wm2 20050918 -> 20050925
tomboy 20050918 -> 20050925
transset 20050918 -> 20050925
Bugfixed Spells
mp3burn 0.1
twolame 0.3.3
lui 1.12.2
openldap 2.2.26
pmi 1.0-rc3
hashsum 1.6
sshfs-fuse 1.2
mytop 1.4
eclipse 3.1
tedia2sql 1.2.8
y 0.2.1
docbook-utils 0.6.14
podviewer 0.09
e-emotion 0.0.1
e-profile 0.1
ecore 1.0.0_pre7
edb 1.0.5
edje 0.5.0
eet 0.9.9
embryo 0.9.0
enlightenment-docs 0.16.7
epeg 0.9.0
epplet-base 0.7
eterm 0.9.3
evas 1.0.0_pre13
evidence 0.9.8
evoak cvs
exmms 0.2
imlib 1.9.15
imlib2 1.2.1
imlib2-ruby 0.5.2
imlib2_loaders 1.2.1
libast 0.6.1
redact 0.1.3
lyx 1.3.6
vim 6.3
gnumeric2 1.4.3
myBudget 0.5
gcc 3.4.4
gimpshop 2.2.4
springgraph 0.79
apache2 2.0.54
links 0.98
links-twibright 2.1pre18
lynx 2.8.5
oba 311
swish-e 2.4.2
yafp 0.1.1
kdelibs 3.4.2
kdepim 3.4.2
annie 0.5
gnet 1.1.9
libcapsinetwork 0.3.0
libnpconn 0.1
pyao 0.82
pypgsql 2.4
readline 5.0
rx 1.5
tdb 1.0.6
amavisd-new 2.2.1
anomy-sanitizer 1.62
openwebmail 2.41
popfile 0.22.2
thunderbird 1.0.6
yosucker pr71
cpufreqd 2.0.0-beta4
bsd-finger 0.17
nnetstat v0.1Alpha
status 1.7
XML-Parser-Expat 2.34
acme-bleach 1.12
algorithm-diff 1.1901
appconfig 1.56
archive-zip 1.14
authen-pam 0.15
authen-sasl 2.08
berkeleydb 0.26
bit-vector 6.4
bundle-cpan 1.76
bundle-libnet 1.19
bundle-tk 1.0
cgi-lite 2.02
chart 2.3
class-methodmaker 2.05
compress-bzip2 1.00
compress-zlib 1.36
convert-asn1 0.19
convert-tnef 0.17
convert-uulib 1.051
cpan 1.76
cpan-wait 0.27-2
crypt-blowfish 2.09
crypt-ciphersaber 0.61
crypt-des 2.03
crypt-ecb 1.1-2
crypt-null 1.02
crypt-otp 2.00
crypt-passwd 0.03
crypt-passwdmd5 1.2
crypt-random 1.13
crypt-randpasswd 0.02
crypt-rc4 2.02
crypt-solitaire 2.0
crypt-tea 1.25
crypt-tripledes 0.24
crypt-twofish2 0.06
crypt-unixcrypt 1.0
curses 1.06
data-serializer 0.22
data-showtable 3.3
date-calc 5.3
date-manip 5.42a
date-parse 1.1301
db_file 1.810
dbd-google 0.05
dbd-mysql 2.9004
dbd-pg 1.40
dbd-pgpp 0.04
dbd-sybase 1.05
devel-corestack 1.3
devel-dprof 19990108
devel-leak 0.02
devel-modlist 0.5
devel-ptkdb 1.1086
devel-smallprof 1.11
devel-stacktrace 1.04
devel-symdump 2.03
digest 1.05
digest-hmac 1.01
digest-md5 2.33
digest-nilsimsa 0.06
digest-sha1 2.06
extutils-f77 1.14
file-mmagic 1.22
file-spec 0.90
file-tail 0.98
filter-simple 0.79
filter-util-call 1.30
finance-quote 1.09
font-afm 1.18
gd-graph 1.43
gd-text 0.86
gnupg-interface 0.33
gtk 0.7009
html-format 2.03
html-parser 3.45
html-tableextract 1.08
html-tagset 3.04
html-template 2.6
html-tree 3.18
http-proxyautoconfig 0.1
image-size 2.992
io-socket-ssl 0.95
io-stringy 2.109
io-tty 1.02
ipc-run 0.77
libxml-enno 1.02
lingua-en-numbers 0.01
lingua-ispell 0.07
lingua-preferred 0.2.4
lingua-romana-perligata 0.50
log-channel 0.6
log-dispatch 2.10
lwp 5.76
mail-internet 1.60
mail-pop3client 2.15
mail-sendmail 0.79
md5 2.03
mime-base64 3.05
mime-tools 5.411a
mime-types 1.12
mod_perl 1.29
module-build 0.27_01
mp3-info 1.02
mp3-tag 0.40
net-dns 0.42
net-imap-simple 0.93
net-jabber 1.29
net-ldap 0.2701
net-ping 2.31
net-ssleay 1.25
net-telnet 3.03
net-telnet-cisco 1.10
palm-stdappinfo 1.3.0
params-validate 0.78
parse-recdescent 1.94
parse-yapp 1.05
patchreader 0.9.5
pdl 2.4.0
perl 5.8.6
perl-cgi 3.05
perl-libnet 1.19
perl-snmp 4.1.2
perl-tk 804.027
pod-html 0.04
pod-pom 0.15
queue-base 1.1
regexp-shellish 0.93
rpc-simple 0.5
sdl-sdlpl 1.20.0
sgmlspm 1.03ii
spread-queue 0.4
spread-session 0.4
spreadsheet-writeexcel 0.42
storable 2.08
struct-compare 1.0.1
template-toolkit 2.14
term-progressbar 2.05
term-readkey 2.21
term-readline-gnu 1.14
term-readline-perl 1.0203
term-size 0.2
test-harness 2.30
test-simple 0.47
text-autoformat 1.13
text-balanced 1.95
text-csv_xs 0.23
text-diff 0.35
text-formattable 1.00
text-iconv 1.2
text-reform 1.11
tie-ixhash 1.21
time-hires 1.51
time-modules 2003.0211
time-parsedate 2003.0211
tk-tablematrix 1.2
unicode-string 2.07
unix-syslog 0.99
uri 1.35
vcp 0.3
weakref 0.01
www-gmail 0.01
x-osd 0.7
xml-autowriter 0.38
xml-dom 1.43
xml-dumper 0.67
xml-encoding 1.01
xml-grove 0.46alpha
xml-libxml 1.58
xml-libxml-common 0.13
xml-libxslt 1.53
xml-namespacesupport 1.08
xml-parser-expat 2.34
xml-regexp 0.03
xml-rss 1.02
xml-simple 2.09
xml-stream 1.17
xml-twig 3.16
xml-writer 0.4.2
xml-xpath 1.13
xml-xql 0.68
xml-xsh 1.8.2
xml-xupdate-libxml 0.5.0
muttprint 0.72c
nikto 1.35
portsentry 1.2
swatch 3.0.8
thp 0.4.6
libwhisker 2.2
bash 3.0
gentoo 0.11.55
bugcli 05
smgl-ledger 0.06
bonnie++ 1.03a
bottlerocket 0.04c
boxes 1.0.1
ccze 0.2.1
cdb 0.75
cmatrix 1.2a
compilercache 1.0.10
console-data 1999.08.29
dbus 0.23.4
default-profile 1.0
desktop-file-utils 0.10
fcrontabs 1.1
gcal 3.01
gps 1.1.0
heyu2 2.0beta.2
lockexec 0.3.1
lxsplit 0.1.1
modutils 2.4.27
nilsimsa 0.2.4
nvparse 5
procinfo 18
psmisc 21.6
rdate 1.5
sloth 1.0.1
stow 1.3.3
time 1.7
upn 1.5
uptimed 0.3.3
usbview 1.0
vlock 1.3
watchdog 5.2
watchfile 0.1
xmbmon 205
yard 2.2
mplayer 1.0pre7try2
gkrellm2 2.2.7
xfree86 4.5.0
xorg 6.8.2
Deleted Spells
Acme-Bleach 1.12
Algorithm-Diff 1.15
AppConfig 1.55
Archive-Tar 0.23
Archive-Zip 1.08
Authen-PAM 0.14
Authen-SASL 2.07
BerkeleyDB 0.26
Bit-Vector 6.3
Bundle-CPAN 1.76
Bundle-Tk 800.025
Bundle-libnet 1.17
CGI 3.00
CGI-Lite 2.02
CPAN 1.76
CPAN-WAIT 0.27-2
Chart 2.2
Class-MethodMaker 1.12
Compress-Bzip2 1.00
Compress-Zlib 1.22
Convert-ASN1 0.18
Convert-TNEF 0.17
Convert-UUlib 0.31
Crypt-Blowfish 2.09
Crypt-CipherSaber 0.61
Crypt-DES 2.03
Crypt-ECB 1.1-2
Crypt-NULL 1.02
Crypt-OTP 2.00
Crypt-Passwd 0.03
Crypt-PasswdMD5 1.2
Crypt-RC4 2.02
Crypt-RandPasswd 0.02
Crypt-Random 1.13
Crypt-Solitaire 2.0
Crypt-TEA 1.25
Crypt-TripleDES 0.24
Crypt-Twofish2 0.06
Crypt-UnixCrypt 1.0
Curses 1.06
DBD-Google 0.05
DBD-Pg 1.22
DBD-PgPP 0.04
DBD-Sybase 1.05
DBD-mysql 2.9004
DBI 1.42
DB_File 1.810
Data-Serializer 0.22
Data-ShowTable 3.3
Date-Calc 5.3
Date-Manip 5.42a
Date-Parse 1.1301
Devel-CoreStack 1.3
Devel-DProf 19990108
Devel-Leak 0.02
Devel-Modlist 0.5
Devel-SmallProf 1.11
Devel-StackTrace 1.04
Devel-Symdump 2.03
Devel-ptkdb 1.1086
Digest 1.05
Digest-HMAC 1.01
Digest-MD5 2.33
Digest-Nilsimsa 0.06
Digest-SHA1 2.06
ExtUtils-F77 1.14
File-MMagic 1.20
File-Spec 0.86
File-Tail 0.98
Filter-Simple 0.79
Filter-Util-Call 1.30
Finance-Quote 1.06
Font-AFM 1.18
GD 2.12
GD-Graph 1.43
GD-Text 0.86
GnuPG-Interface 0.33
Gtk 0.7009
HTML-Format 2.03
HTML-Parser 3.45
HTML-TableExtract 1.08
HTML-Tagset 3.03
HTML-Tree 3.18
IO-Socket-SSL 0.95
IO-Stringy 2.109
IO-Tty 1.02
IPC-Run 0.77
Image-Size 2.992
LWP 5.76
Lingua-EN-Numbers 0.01
Lingua-Preferred 0.2.4
Lingua-Romana-Perligata 0.50
Log-Channel 0.6
Log-Dispatch 2.10
MD5 2.03
MIME-Base64 3.00
MIME-Tools 5.411a
MIME-Types 1.12
MP3-Info 1.02
MP3-Tag 0.40
Mail-Internet 1.60
Mail-POP3Client 2.15
Mail-Sendmail 0.79
Module-Build 0.25
Net-DNS 0.42
Net-FTP 1.17
Net-IMAP-Simple 0.93
Net-Jabber 1.29
Net-LDAP 0.2701
Net-Ping 2.31
Net-SNMP 4.1.2
Net-SSLeay 1.25
Net-Server 0.87
Net-Telnet 3.03
PDL 2.4.0
Palm-StdAppInfo 1.3.0
Params-Validate 0.74
Parse-RecDescent 1.94
Parse-Yapp 1.05
PatchReader 0.9.5
Pod-HTML 0.04
Pod-POM 0.15
Queue-Base 1.1
RPC-Simple 0.5
Regexp-Shellish 0.93
SDL-sdlpl 1.20.0
SGMLSpm 1.03ii
Spread-Queue 0.4
Spread-Session 0.4
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel 0.42
Storable 2.08
Struct-Compare 1.0.1
Template-Toolkit 2.13
Term-ProgressBar 2.05
Term-ReadKey 2.21
Term-ReadLine-Gnu 1.14
Term-ReadLine-Perl 1.0203
Term-Size 0.2
Test-Harness 2.30
Test-Simple 0.47
Text-Autoformat 1.12
Text-Balanced 1.95
Text-CSV_XS 0.23
Text-Diff 0.35
Text-FormatTable 1.00
Text-Iconv 1.2
Text-Reform 1.11
Tie-IxHash 1.21
Time-HiRes 1.51
Time-Modules 2003.0211
Time-ParseDate 2003.0211
Tk 800.025
Tk-TableMatrix 1.01
URI 1.27
Unicode-String 2.07
Unix-Syslog 0.99
VCP 0.3
WWW-GMail 0.01
WeakRef 0.01
X-Osd 0.7
XML-AutoWriter 0.38
XML-DOM 1.43
XML-Dumper 0.67
XML-Encoding 1.01
XML-Grove 0.46alpha
XML-LibXML 1.58
XML-LibXML-Common 0.13
XML-LibXSLT 1.53
XML-NamespaceSupport 1.08
XML-RSS 1.02
XML-RegExp 0.03
XML-Simple 2.09
XML-Stream 1.17
XML-Twig 3.11
XML-Writer 0.4.2
XML-XPath 1.13
XML-XQL 0.68
XML-XSH 1.8.2
XML-XUpdate-LibXML 0.5.0
fileutils 4.1
hd2u deprecated
sh-utils 2.0
textutils 2.1
Moved Spells
[SM-Discuss] Weekly Test Grimoire Update Report,
Update Daemon, 09/04/2005
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [SM-Discuss] Weekly Test Grimoire Update Report, Update Daemon, 09/11/2005
- [SM-Discuss] Weekly Test Grimoire Update Report, Update Daemon, 09/18/2005
- [SM-Discuss] Weekly Test Grimoire Update Report, Update Daemon, 09/25/2005
Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.24.