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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] latest gaim tries to compile with encryption even if it's not selected

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  • From: Hamish Greig <hgreig AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] latest gaim tries to compile with encryption even if it's not selected
  • Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 12:42:51 +1000

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 13:18, Jeremy Kolb wrote:
> Yeah I know, my bad. i'll bugzilla it and attach the log. I posted to
> the list because in all truth, it seems like bugs posted to the lists
> get solved faster than bugs posted on bugzilla. sorry, won't do it
> again.
> Jeremy

I think it is unrelated but i just realised I forgot to submit a changed file
for nss which would only affect you if you had nss installed.
the gaim-encryption question is seperate to this.
What could be the problem (which I would know if I had the compile log) is
that you have mozilla installed. gaim now uses nss instead of openssl and the
configure might be detecting the pkg-config files for mozilla-nss and
mozilla-nspr but the mozilla install of nss is libs only not headers so it
will fail if it autodetects to use mozilla.
I have just changed the optional_depends in gaim to --enable-nss=no if nss
isn't installed.

As for using the mail list for bugs like this ?
I have a rather strict view, stemming from the fact we are all volunteers.
If bugs aren't getting fixed quick enough for you in bugzilla then
a) they are low priority
b) they aren't reproducable by the guru
c) the bug itself lacks the information needed to diagnose or fix it.
d) the guru is busy with his real life and his volunteer guru duties come
second to that ( given time some other overworked guru will close it for him)
e) it is an option to provide the fix your self in the bug so the guru only
has to patch the spell.

I hope no-one feels I am out of line by stating this again in a calm fashion.

> On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 20:26, Hamish Greig wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 09:49, Jeremy Kolb wrote:
> > > latest gaim tries to compile with encryption even if it's not selected,
> > > so if you don't want encryption the cast fails.
> > >
> > > Jeremy
> >
> > I did test this before I submitted it. Both with and without encryption
> > and with and without nss installed.
> > It doesn't behave like that on my box.
> > Also why is there no bug filed for this with the compile log and any
> > other relevant stuff attached? I might be an evil genius but my crystal
> > ball is in the repair shop so if i am to have a chance to repair this
> > spell (i last worked on it) I will need more information. please ? pretty
> > please? pretty please with a cherry on top ?
> > Hamish
> > - --
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