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sm-commit - [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master sorcery by Ismael Luceno (725dabf14079bfe3474e88dd0b1300a9795d4c7d)

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  • From: Ismael Luceno <scm AT>
  • To: sm-commit AT
  • Subject: [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master sorcery by Ismael Luceno (725dabf14079bfe3474e88dd0b1300a9795d4c7d)
  • Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 12:37:06 -0600

GIT changes to master sorcery by Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>:

usr/sbin/gaze | 173
var/lib/sorcery/modules/libmisc | 2
2 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 725dabf14079bfe3474e88dd0b1300a9795d4c7d
Author: Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>
Commit: Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>

gaze: Search function improvements

commit e3f9ad8e50b10cc0a4dfeac0be50d069dc6a2a29
Author: Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>
Commit: Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>

libmisc: Improve awkuniq a little bit more

diff --git a/usr/sbin/gaze b/usr/sbin/gaze
index 4849b19..3a96a21 100755
--- a/usr/sbin/gaze
+++ b/usr/sbin/gaze
@@ -747,44 +747,28 @@ function gaze_search() {
function real_name_search() {
- local grimoire pattern
+ local pattern

- for grimoire in $(codex_get_all_grimoires); do
- for pattern in "$@"; do
- awk -v pat="$pattern" -v quiet="$GAZE_VERBOSE" '
- OFS = ""
- if (!quiet)
- pfx = pat " -> "
- pat = "^[^[:blank:]]*" tolower(pat)
- }
- tolower($0) ~ pat {
- print pfx, $1
- }
- ' "$grimoire/$SPELL_INDEX_FILE" 2>/dev/null
- done
+ for pattern in "$@"; do
+ xargs < <(awk -v idx="/$VERSION_INDEX_FILE" '{print $0 idx}' \
+ < <(codex_get_all_grimoires)) \
+ awk -v pat="$pattern" -v quiet="$GAZE_VERBOSE" '
+ if (!quiet)
+ pfx = pat " -> "
+ pat = tolower(pat)
+ }
+ tolower($1) ~ pat {
+ grimoire = FILENAME
+ sub("/[^/]*$", "", grimoire)
+ sub(".*/", "@", grimoire)
+ print pfx $1, $2, grimoire
+ }
+ '

-## Searches for something in a specified grimoire. Not really sure what
-## it looks for or why.
-## @param Path to grimoire
-## @param Spell to look for
-## @param Patern to find in the files
-## @Stdout The full path to the file,
-function grep_find_grimoire() {
- local path=$1
- local name=$2
- local pattern="$3"
- codex_find_in_grimoire "$path" "$name" | xargs grep -ilE --

@@ -795,23 +779,41 @@ function grep_find_grimoire() {
function real_short_search() {
- local pattern grimoire spell spellname spelldir
+ local pattern

for pattern in "$@"; do
- for grimoire in $(codex_get_all_grimoires); do
- for spell in $(
- grep_find_grimoire $grimoire "DETAILS" "SHORT=.*${pattern}"
- ); do
- smgl_dirname "$spell" spelldir
- smgl_basename "$spelldir" spellname
- if [[ $GAZE_VERBOSE == false ]]; then
- echo $spellname
- else
- echo "$pattern -> $spellname"
- fi
- done
- done
+ xargs < <(sed 's:$:/DETAILS:' < <(codex_get_all_spells)) \
+ awk -v pat="$pattern" -v quiet="$GAZE_VERBOSE" \
+ -F "[=\"']+" '
+ if (!quiet)
+ pfx = pat " -> "
+ pat = tolower(pat)
+ }
+ {
+ sub(/^[\t ]+/, "")
+ }
+ /^SPELL=/ {
+ spell = $2
+ next
+ }
+ /^VERSION=/ {
+ ver = $2
+ next
+ }
+ !/^SHORT=/ {
+ next
+ }
+ tolower($0) ~ pat {
+ grimoire = FILENAME
+ sub("/[^/]*/[^/]*$", "", grimoire)
+ sub(".*/", "@", grimoire)
+ print pfx spell, ver, grimoire
+ }
+ {
+ nextfile
+ }
+ '

@@ -826,54 +828,41 @@ function real_short_search() {
function real_long_search() {
- local atSpell=0
- local file pattern
- local spelldir spellname
- if ! [[ $GAZE_VERBOSE == false ]] ; then
- echo "Searching... "
- fi
- let i=0
+ local pattern

for pattern in "$@"; do
- SEARCH[$i]=-e
- let i++
- SEARCH[$i]=$pattern
- let i++
- done
- for file in `codex_get_all_spells | sed 's/$/\/DETAILS/' | xargs grep -ilE
"${SEARCH[@]}"`; do
- for ((i=1;i<${#SEARCH[@]};i+=2)) ; do
- pattern=${SEARCH[$i]}
- SEARCH_RESULTS=$(gawk 'BEGIN{ORS = ""; IGNORECASE=1; inLongDesc=0}
- /'"${pattern}"'/{
- if(/^[[:blank:]]*SPELL=.*'"${pattern}"'/) {print "(Name Match)";
exit 0;}
- if(/^[[:blank:]]*SHORT=.*'"${pattern}"'/) {print "(Short
Description)"; exit 0;}
- if(inLongDesc) {print "(Description)"; exit 0;}
+ xargs < <(sed 's:$:/DETAILS:' < <(codex_get_all_spells)) \
+ awk -v pat="$pattern" -v quiet="$GAZE_VERBOSE" -F "[=\"']+" '
+ if (!quiet)
+ pfx = pat " -> "
+ pat = tolower(pat)
- /cat[[:blank:]]*<<[[:blank:]]*EOF/{inLongDesc = 1;}
- /^EOF$/{inLongDesc=0;} ' $file)
- if [[ ${SEARCH_RESULTS} ]]; then
- smgl_dirname "$file" spelldir
- smgl_basename "$spelldir" spellname
- if [[ $GAZE_VERBOSE == false ]]; then
- echo "$spellname"
- else
- clear_line
- echo "$pattern -> $spellname ${SEARCH_RESULTS}"
- fi
- fi
- done
+ {
+ sub(/^[\t ]+/, "")
+ }
+ /^VERSION=/ {
+ ver = $2; next
+ }
+ /^SPELL=/ {
+ spell = $2
+ where = "(Name)"
+ }
+ /^SHORT=/ {
+ where = "(Short Description)"
+ }
+ /^cat[\t ]*<</ {
+ where = "(Description)"
+ }
+ tolower($0) ~ pat {
+ grimoire = FILENAME
+ sub("/[^/]*/[^/]*$", "", grimoire)
+ sub(".*/", "@", grimoire)
+ print pfx spell, ver, grimoire, where
+ nextfile
+ }
+ '
- if ! [ "$GAZE_VERBOSE" == "false" ]; then
- clear_line
- fi

diff --git a/var/lib/sorcery/modules/libmisc b/var/lib/sorcery/modules/libmisc
index 7df7cf1..f1e1a4e 100755
--- a/var/lib/sorcery/modules/libmisc
+++ b/var/lib/sorcery/modules/libmisc
@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ function upvar() {
## Like uniq, but doesnt require a sorted list, implemented in awk.
function awkuniq() {
- awk '{if (!($0 in seen)) { seen[$0]; print }}'
+ awk '!($0 in seen) { seen[$0]; print }'


  • [SM-Commit] GIT changes to master sorcery by Ismael Luceno (725dabf14079bfe3474e88dd0b1300a9795d4c7d), Ismael Luceno, 12/03/2014

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