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[SM-Commit] GIT changes to devel-kde3_removal grimoire by Bor Kraljič (9a95a0c23e04976228e55f2a94a374ce73c138d6)
- From: Bor Kraljič <scm AT>
- To: sm-commit AT
- Subject: [SM-Commit] GIT changes to devel-kde3_removal grimoire by Bor Kraljič (9a95a0c23e04976228e55f2a94a374ce73c138d6)
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 02:55:34 -0500
GIT changes to devel-kde3_removal grimoire by Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>:
ChangeLog | 80
1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 9a95a0c23e04976228e55f2a94a374ce73c138d6
Author: Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
Commit: Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
ChangeLog: moved changes from the branch to the top and edited the date.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ef7117d..13970b8 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,43 +1,4 @@
-2011-10-10 Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>
- * utils/acpid2: new spell, acpid for netlink
-2011-10-10 Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>
- * graphics/mypaint: new spell, graphics application for digital
-2011-10-09 Ladislav Hagara <hgr AT>
- * gnome3-libs/pygobject3: new spell, Python bindings for the GObject
-2011-10-08 Jaka Kranjc <lynxlynxlynx AT>
- * qgis: desktop geographic information system application
- * grass-gdal: grass plugin for gdal
- * grass: Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
- * gdal: translator library for raster geospatial data formats
- * geos: C++ spatial topology library
- * libgeotiff: library for accessing "Geo" tags in a GeoTIFF file
- * libwms: library to access WMS services
- * ogdi: API for reading various raster and vector geospatial formats
- * hdf5: HDF5 file format library and utilities
- * hdf4: HDF4 file format library and utilities
- * e00compr: lib to (un)compress Arc/Info Export (E00) files
- * avcd00: lib to make Arc/Info Vector Coverages appear as E00
-2011-10-07 Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
- * devel/gnulib: new spell, GNU Portability Library
-2011-10-06 Ladislav Hagara <hgr AT>
- * telephony/telepathy.gpg: added key 7DAA3C03 (telepathy-glib 0.15.7)
- * gnome3-apps/gnome-color-manager: new spell, color profile manager
- * gnome3-apps/caribou: new spell, virtual on-screen keyboard
-2011-10-06 Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>
- * python-pypi/logilab-common: new spell, low level functionality
- shared among some python projects
- * python-pypi/logilab-astng: new spell, Python Abstract Syntax Tree
- New Generation
- * python-pypi/pylint: new spell, Analyzes Python source code looking
- for bugs and signs of poor quality
-2011-XX-XX Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
+2011-10-12 Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
* kde-core/kdelibs: removed (we no longer support kde3)
* kde-core/arts: removed (we no longer support kde3)
* kde-core/kde-i18n: removed (we no longer support kde3)
@@ -250,6 +211,45 @@
* x11/xglobe: removed (we no longer support qt3 (qt-x11))
* audio-players/xsidplay: removed (we no longer support qt3 (qt-x11))
+2011-10-10 Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>
+ * utils/acpid2: new spell, acpid for netlink
+2011-10-10 Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>
+ * graphics/mypaint: new spell, graphics application for digital
+2011-10-09 Ladislav Hagara <hgr AT>
+ * gnome3-libs/pygobject3: new spell, Python bindings for the GObject
+2011-10-08 Jaka Kranjc <lynxlynxlynx AT>
+ * qgis: desktop geographic information system application
+ * grass-gdal: grass plugin for gdal
+ * grass: Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
+ * gdal: translator library for raster geospatial data formats
+ * geos: C++ spatial topology library
+ * libgeotiff: library for accessing "Geo" tags in a GeoTIFF file
+ * libwms: library to access WMS services
+ * ogdi: API for reading various raster and vector geospatial formats
+ * hdf5: HDF5 file format library and utilities
+ * hdf4: HDF4 file format library and utilities
+ * e00compr: lib to (un)compress Arc/Info Export (E00) files
+ * avcd00: lib to make Arc/Info Vector Coverages appear as E00
+2011-10-07 Bor Kraljič <pyrobor AT>
+ * devel/gnulib: new spell, GNU Portability Library
+2011-10-06 Ladislav Hagara <hgr AT>
+ * telephony/telepathy.gpg: added key 7DAA3C03 (telepathy-glib 0.15.7)
+ * gnome3-apps/gnome-color-manager: new spell, color profile manager
+ * gnome3-apps/caribou: new spell, virtual on-screen keyboard
+2011-10-06 Ismael Luceno <ismael AT>
+ * python-pypi/logilab-common: new spell, low level functionality
+ shared among some python projects
+ * python-pypi/logilab-astng: new spell, Python Abstract Syntax Tree
+ New Generation
+ * python-pypi/pylint: new spell, Analyzes Python source code looking
+ for bugs and signs of poor quality
2011-10-05 Vlad Glagolev <stealth AT>
* python-pypi/fabric: new spell, simple, Pythonic tool for remote
execution and deployment
- [SM-Commit] GIT changes to devel-kde3_removal grimoire by Bor Kraljič (9a95a0c23e04976228e55f2a94a374ce73c138d6), Bor Kraljič, 10/12/2011
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