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[SM-Commit] BZR Change 4 to cauldron-devel cauldron by Karsten Behrmann <BearPerson AT>
- From: bzr AT
- To: sm-commit AT
- Subject: [SM-Commit] BZR Change 4 to cauldron-devel cauldron by Karsten Behrmann <BearPerson AT>
- Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:45:22 -0500
revno: 4
committer: Karsten Behrmann <BearPerson AT>
branch nick: devel
timestamp: Sun 2006-04-02 22:43:08 +0200
Drop cdombroski's fixes in
=== modified file 'iso/skeleton/usr/share/smgl.install/modules/diskStructure'
--- iso/skeleton/usr/share/smgl.install/modules/diskStructure
+++ iso/skeleton/usr/share/smgl.install/modules/diskStructure
@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@
0 0 0 \
"A" "[*]Partition Disks" "Create partitions on your drives" \
"B" "[*]Make MD RAID Devices" "Create RAID devices using mdadm" \
- "C" "Format/mount filesystems and swap" "Format and mount your
partitions" \
- "D" "Done" "We're all done here, let's get on with it" ` ||
+ "C" "[*]Make LVM Devices" "Create LVM devices using lvm" \
+ "D" "Format/mount filesystems and swap" "Format and mount your
partitions" \
+ "E" "Done" "We're all done here, let's get on with it" ` ||
return 1 #return with a failure if canceled
case $ICOMMAND in
@@ -51,10 +52,13 @@
create_md_device # Make ourselves some MD devices!
- C)
+ C)# cdombroski AT, call the lvm menu
+ lvm_menu
+ ;;
+ D)
while mount_menu ;do true ;done # do the mounting until user quits
- D)
+ E)
if need_dependency disk-root; then
@@ -299,8 +303,10 @@
grep -v disc | grep -v name | grep '^[^ ]*[0-9]' |
if [[ -n "$PARTITION" ]] && ! grep -q "^/dev/$PARTITION " /tmp/fstab
- ! grep -q "devices=\([^,]*,\)*/dev/$PARTITION\(,\|$\)"
- then # don't do nil strings, partitions we mounted already, RAID parts
+ ! grep -q "devices=\([^,]*,\)*/dev/$PARTITION\(,\|$\)"
/tmp/md-devices &&
+ ! (pvs --noheadings | grep -q "^[[:space:]]*/dev/$PARTITION ")
+ #cdombroski AT added this line to check for lvm
+ then # don't do nil strings, partitions we mounted already, RAID
parts, LVM parts
echo "Size: $(( SIZE / 1024 ))MB Type: \
$(mnt_get_part_type $PARTITION | tr '\n' ' ')"
@@ -537,3 +543,158 @@
press_enter "diskStructure" 0
+# cdombroski AT
+# lvm menu stuff
+lvm_menu() {
+ local selection="A"
+ while [ "$selection" ]; do
+ selection=$(run_dialog --title "LVM Menu" --default-item $selection \
+ --menu "Select an option" 0 0 0 \
+ "A" "Create LVM physical volumes" \
+ "B" "Create LVM volume groups" \
+ "C" "Create LVM logical volumes" \
+ "D" "Done")
+ case $selection in
+ A) lvm_create_pv
+ selection="B"
+ ;;
+ B) lvm_create_vg
+ selection="C"
+ ;;
+ C) lvm_create_lv
+ selection="D"
+ ;;
+ *) selection=""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+lvm_select_parts() {
+ local LIST_PARTS=()
+ # Use sed to append an "off" line to every entry
+ explode "$(list_parts | sed 's/^\(Size: .*\)$/\1\noff/')" $'\n' \
+ if [[ ${#LIST_PARTS[@]} == 0 ]] ; then
+ display_message "No partitions could be found. They are all either
+already mounted or none are available. You may need to load modules or
+partition your disk"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ run_dialog --separate-output --title "Choose partitions to use for LVM" \
+ --checklist "Select partitions to be used in LVM" 0 0 0 \
+ "${LIST_PARTS[@]}" | sed -e 's@^[[:space:]]*@/dev/@g'
+lvm_create_pv() {
+ local PVS="$(lvm_select_parts)"
+ if [ "$PVS" ] ; then
+ try_run pvcreate $PVS
+ else
+ display_message "No partitions selected, not doing anything."
+ fi
+lvm_create_vg() {
+ local PVS_ARRAY=() PVS vg line vg_info vg_name vg_volumes temp
+ PVS="$(pvs --separator '@' --noheadings | while read line
+ do temp="${line#*@}"
+ vg="${temp%%@*}"
+ if [ -z $vg ] ; then
+ echo "${line%%@*}"
+ echo "${line##*@}"
+ echo "off"
+ fi
+ done
+ )"
+ explode "$PVS" $'\n' PVS_ARRAY
+ if [[ ${#PVS_ARRAY[@]} == 0 ]] ; then
+ display_message "No LVM physical volumes found. You need to create at
+least one for each volume group."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ vg_info=$(run_dialog --title "Create Volume Group" \
+ --inputbox "Choose volume group name" 0 0 \
+ --single-quoted --title "Create Volume Group" \
+ --checklist "Select partitions to include in volume group." 0 0 0 \
+ "${PVS_ARRAY[@]}")
+ if [ "$vg_info" ] ; then
+ vg_name=${vg_info%$'\t'*}
+ vg_volumes=${vg_info#*$'\t'}
+ if [ "$vg_name" -a "$vg_volumes" ] ; then
+ try_run vgcreate "$vg_name" $vg_volumes
+ else
+ display_message "Either no name was entered, or no volumes were
+Volume group creation cancelled."
+ fi
+ fi
+lvm_create_lv() {
+ local vgs vgs_array=() line lv_vg lv_info lv_name lv_sizeunit lv_size
+ local lv_stripes vg_size temp lv_info_array=()
+ vgs="$(vgs --separator '@' --noheadings | while read line
+ do vg_size="${line##*@}"
+ if [ "$vg_size" != "0" ] ; then
+ echo "${line%%@*}"
+ echo "$vg_size"
+ fi
+ done)"
+ explode "$vgs" $'\n' vgs_array
+ if [[ ${#vgs_array[@]} != 0 ]] ; then
+ lv_info=$(run_dialog --title "Create Logical Volume" \
+ --menu "Choose Volume Group" 0 0 0 \
+ "${vgs_array[@]}" \
+ --title "Create Logical Volume" \
+ --inputbox "Enter Logical Volume Name" 0 0 \
+ --title "Create Logical Volume" \
+ --inputbox "Enter Logical Volume Size (default size is in megabytes, use
+[kKmMgGtT] as a suffix to specify a different size)(this will be rounded up
+the next multiple of the Physical Extent size of the volume group (default
4M))" 0 0 \
+ --title "Create Logical Volume" \
+ --inputbox "Enter number of Physical Volumes you would like this Logical
+Volume to span" 0 0 1)
+ if [ "$lv_info" ] ; then
+ explode "$lv_info" $'\t' lv_info_array
+ lv_vg="${lv_info_array[0]}"
+ lv_name="${lv_info_array[1]}"
+ lv_sizeunit="${lv_info_array[2]}"
+ lv_stripes="${lv_info_array[3]}"
+ lv_size=${lv_sizeunit%[a-zA-Z]}
+ lv_unit=${lv_sizeunit##*[0-9.]}
+ if [ "$lv_vg" -a "$lv_name" -a "$lv_sizeunit" -a \
+ \( ${lv_size%.*} -gt 0 -o ${lv_size#*.} -gt 0 \) -a \
+ \( $(expr "$lv_unit" : '[kKmMgGtT]*') -eq 1 -o \
+ $(expr "$lv_unit" : '[^kKmMgGtT]*') -eq 0 \) -a \
+ $(expr $lv_stripes : '[^0-9]') -eq 0 -a $lv_stripes -ge 1 ] ; then
+ try_run lvcreate -L $lv_sizeunit -n "$lv_name" -i $lv_stripes
+ si_queue lvm
+ si_queue device-mapper
+ else
+ display_message "Invalid parameters specified. Logical Volume
+cancelled. $lv_vg $lv_name $lv_sizeunit $lv_size $lv_unit $lv_stripes"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ display_message "No Volume Groups with free space available."
+ fi
+# cdombroski AT
+# I added this just to get vi working easier...
+# vim:sw=2:ts=2:et
- [SM-Commit] BZR Change 4 to cauldron-devel cauldron by Karsten Behrmann <BearPerson AT>, bzr, 04/15/2006
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